<@doc alias="layout" hierarchy="GMLDOM"> Scenario Layout Aspect (c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. Aspect ScenarioLayout for core.lyt:Layout; inherit StateAndLayout; override virtual method paint(parentElement) this.supercall(); // NOTE: Uncomment this if decided that scenario fits the board size: // this.setBaseRect(this.board.getClientRect()); if (!base.showInLayout) { // // Handle situation when base.showInLayout is false // NOTE: Move this to core.lyt, when generic support for showInLayout is done. // this.clearContents(); var buf=[]; buf.push('
'); buf.push(' ('); buf.push('This scenario does not allow layout editing'); buf.push(') '); buf.push('
'); this.contents.innerHTML = buf.join(''); this.contents.style.position = 'static'; } end override virtual method getContentRect() var elem = this.elem; var gap = this.board.marginSize; return {x: gap, y: gap, w: elem.w - 2*gap, h: elem.h - 2*gap}; end