@doc alias="config" hierarchy="GMLDOM" also="@Configurable, @ConfigurationItem">
The Configuration is an element that contains a collection of @ConfigurationItem objects, and represents
the external configuration of an element.
Child Elements
(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
Class Configuration inherit Element;
metadata title = '#TEXT[XTIT_CONFIGURATION]';
metadata descr = '#TEXT[XTOL_CONFIGURATION]';
metadata icon16 = '#URL[~res:skins.neutral.symbols.infoshape16.gif]';
<@doc>The configuration items for this Configuration. use @createItem and @removeItem to add or remove items.
strong property items = ^core.gml:ConfigurationItem[id];
Gets collection of the ConfigurationItems which compose the Configuration object.
The method returns a collection of the ConfigurationItem child elements.
The requested @gml:ConfigurationItem collection
method getItems()
return this.items;
override method onCreate()
if (!this.name) this.name = this.Class.name + ' ' + this.id;
<@doc>Wrapper method for creating configuration items in @gml:Configuration. Use this method instead of @gml:TransObject!createElement
The class name of the configuration item object
A collection of property values for initializing the new element
the new configuration item that was successfully created and inserted, or ~null
method createItem(configItemClass, values)
if (!values) values = {};
values.id = $ENV.model.newId();
var conf_item = $ENV.createObject(config_item_class, values);
if (!conf_item) return null;
if (!ISA(field, 'core.gml:ConfigurationItem')) {
#DEVTIME[throw new Error(-1, "tried to create a configuration item with bad class type"); ]
return null;
return (this.insertElement(conf_item, 'items') ? conf_item : null);
return this.createElement(configItemClass, 'items', values); //already performs type check for ConfigurationItem
<@doc>Wrapper method for inserting configuration items in @gml:Configuration. Use this method instead of @gml:TransObject!createElement
The configuration item child element to insert
method insertItem(item)
return this.insertElement(item, 'items');
<@doc>Wrapper method for removing a configuration item in @gml:Configuration. Use this method instead of @gml:TransObject!removeElement
The configuration item child element to remove
The Id of the configuration item child element to remove
Indicates whether the configuration item child element was successfully removed
method removeItem(cfg_item)
return this.removeElement(cfg_item, 'items');