@doc hierarchy="GMLDOM">
The Action class represents an action driven control.
This class is in preliminary design stage, and is subject to change.
(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
abstract Class Action inherit Element;
implement dev:IAction, dev:IDESupport;
metadata title = '#TEXT[XTIT_ACTION]';
metadata descr = '#TEXT[XTOL_ACTION]';
metadata icon16 = '#URL[~res:skins.neutral.symbols.action16.gif]';
/*<@doc scope="private">
Collection of parameters contained in this parameters
strong property params = ^ActionParameter[name];
The order of this action in an action-group
property order = 0;
metadata for order = {
editor: 'int' ,
group: 'General',
label: '#TEXT[XTIT_ORDER]',
visible: 'ISA(data,"core.gml:Action") && ISA(data.parent,"core.gml:ActionGroup")'
<@doc >
Condition to execute this action
expression condition = true;
metadata for condition = {
editor: 'expr',
group: 'General',
visible: 'ISA(data,"core.gml:Action")',
sideEffects: true
<@doc>This property is a collection of an additional properties for the Action like confirmation dialog
strong property additionalProps = ^ConfigurationItem[id];
// Implementing IAction prototype:
Gets the action's friendly name (alias)
The actions's friendly name
override method getAlias()
return this.name;
Gets the string representation of the application-specific technical action type
The application-specific technical action type
override method getParams()
return this.params;
Create a new Action parameter and insert it to this Action
The parameter class name to be created
A collection of property values for initializing the new ActionParameter
The ActionParameter that was addded to the Action, or ~null on failure.
method createParameter(paramClass, values)
if (null == paramClass) return null;
return this.createElement(paramClass, 'params', values);
override method getDynExpContext(propId)
var ctx = this.dynExpContext;
if (null == ctx) {
// First time per Class:
ctx = $ENV.createObject('core.dev:DynExpContext');
if(ctx) {
//get the infoshape for this action (the interactor which it belongs to)
var parent = this;
while(parent && !ISA(parent, 'gml:Interactor'))
parent = parent.parent;
if(!parent) parent = $ENV.context.object;
if(!parent) return null;
if(false == ctx.setContext(parent.unit, parent)) {
// Non valid arguments:
return null;
else {
return null;
this.dynExpContext = ctx;
//check if the property exists in the class properties
var exprType = this.Class.properties[propId] && this.Class.properties[propId].exprType;
//check if the property exists in the class additional properties - collection of more properties added dynamically to the class
if(!exprType) {
var props = this.additionalProps;
for(var k in props){
exprType = props[k].Class.properties[propId] && props[k].Class.properties[propId].exprType;
if(exprType) break;
if (false == ctx.setExprType(exprType)) {
// Non valid type:
return null;
var transType = null;
if(this.Class.properties[propId] &&
this.Class.properties[propId].metadata.translation &&
this.Class.properties[propId].metadata.translation.translate &&
transType = this.Class.properties[propId].metadata.translation.type;
ctx.setTranslation(this, propId, transType);
//ctx.setDescription('#TEXT[XMSG_EDIT_DE_TYPE] '+ exprType +'');
return ctx;
// The following properties are not relevant for Action.
//Therefore the editor for them will not be shown.
override metadata for name = { editor: false }