<@doc alias="module" hierarchy="GMLDOM"> A Module is a unit that groups together a collection of other units for organizational purposes. A Module unit resembles a folder in a filing system. Any %GML% unit (including a Module unit) always belong to exactly one Module, except for the top-level Module (the model root unit) which has no parent. A non-Module unit can be referenced from other non-Module unit in an unrestricted way. The collection of Module units in a model thus forms a navigation tree, where the root is the top-level Module, the inner nodes are other Module units, and the leaves are non-Module units. Child Elements @gml:Usage, @gml:Note (c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLASS HEADER Class Module inherit Unit; metadata title = '#TEXT[XTIT_MODULE]'; metadata descr = '#TEXT[XTOL_MODULE]'; metadata icon16 = '#URL[~res:skins.neutral.symbols.module16.gif]'; metadata icon32 = '#URL[~res:skins.neutral.symbols.module32.gif]'; metadata childElements = ['core.gml:Usage', 'core.gml:Note']; metadata usageElement = 'core.gml:ModuleUsage'; override metadata for name = { editor: 'str', group: 'General', priority: 100, label: '#TEXT[XFLD_NAME]', active: false } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PROPERTIES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RULES Configure RULES $ENV.extendRule('definePropertyEditor', { constraint:'(object isa gml:Module)', behavior: function() { var def = { id: 'status', group: 'General', type: 'str', label: '#TEXT[XFLD_STATUS]', visible: 'ISA(data, "core.gml:Module") && (data.model.root.id == data.id) && $ENV.channel2.isJ2EE()', getter: 'data.model.status', active: 'false', priority: 400 }; elements.push(def); }, comments:'⇒ [Status]' });