(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
Contains the GML DOM classes, a navigable set of classes that reflect the
semantics of a GML model.
The GML (Graphic Modeling Language) classes in this package provide the basis on top of
which all Visual Composer kits are ultimately implemented. The GML classes enable you to load a
GML model from the Visual Composer repository, to construct a GML model in memory, and to edit,
manipulate, compile, and save a GML model.
Rules for defining Dynamic Expression context and tree providers.
The Action class represents an action driven control.
The <i>Action Controls Editor</i> task Pane.
The Action class represents an action driven control.
The ActionParameter class represents an action parameter.
A specialized computational unit that represents a thread of activity.
Adding a control to the interactor.
Represents a data binding between two elements.
BindLinkAdd is a strategy that handles inserting of BindLinks .
It results in updating the relvant object with the source infoshape.
The BOInfoshape is an element that represents a backend business object. It contains a collection of fields.
The BOInfoshapeIDParser is a helper class that can interpret the bo_id proeprty of <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> object.
This is only a helper class whose existence is not assumed by the core.
A BOInfoshapeUnit is a unit that contains one <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> object.
This makes the contained infoshape reusable and separately persisted.
An element used for referencing a <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshapeUnit">BOInfoshapeUnit</q> unit.
The Button class represents a data-bound Selection Control.
The ChangeManager is the new version of ChangePropagator.
It is an object used for propagation of the model modifications
in order to keep it consistent.
The purpose of this class is to ensure that the model remains consistent after
changes done by the user.
It contains a list of strategy object (see <q ref="core.gml:ChangeStrategy">ChangeStrategy</q>) each representing
an adjustment in the model that should be done as a result of changes.
The ChangePropagator is an object used for propagation of the model modifications
in order to keep it consistent.
The ChangeStrategy is an abstract class that serves as a base for all classes
that store.
The SelectionControl class represents a data-bound Selection Control.
Defines a class of objects and provides access to the class's metadata.
The Component is a reusable model unit.
An element used for referencing a model component.
A state that can be decomposed into sub-states.
Represents an element that owns a configuratino object.
The Configuration is an element that contains a collection of <q ref="core.gml:ConfigurationItem">ConfigurationItem</q> objects, and represents
the external configuration of an element.
The ConfigurationItem class is an abstract class from which all GML field types are derived.
Represents an element that can be connected to other elements in the same unit.
Represents a Control that can be displayed in an Interactor or a Toolbar.
The ControlGroup class represents a data-bound display field.
A tree provider class that can be used for navigating through an infoshape.
The <i>Controls Editor</i> task Pane.
DEPRECIATED. The ControlSet is an element that contains a configurable collection of controls.
Represents a data mapping between two elements.
Represents an inbound or outbound component interface.
The DatePicker class represents a data-bound Selection Control.
A tree provider class for the infoshapes in the page to be displayed in the dynamic expression editor tree.
Define UI Configuration for Element classes.
Please note:
1. This rule is class based and not object instance base
2. Keys of the UIconfiguration collection are case insensitive.
An object representing a reference to a Configurable element that resides within the same unit.
The DropDown class represents a data-bound Selection Control.
The Element is the basic building block from which GML units are composed.
ElementRemoved is a strategy that handles the general case of deleting a <q ref="core.gml:Connectable">Connectable</q> element.
It results in erasing links that were connected to that element.
An object representing a reference to an EventInport.
An inbound port through which events enter a component.
Represents a data mapping between two elements.
An object representing a reference to an EventOutport.
An outbound port through which events leave a component.
An inbound or outbound port through which events enter or leave a component.
EventPortDelete is a strategy that handles erasing of a <q ref="core.gml:EventPort">EventPort</q> from a <q ref="core.gml:Unit">Unit</q>.
It results in marking all the navigation links relating to this event, as invalid.
<font color="red">
This class is in progress, and is not working yet!!!
The Field class is an abstract class from which all GML field types are derived.
The <i>Fields Editor</i> Dialog.
Dialog allowing Field - Control mapping in data-bound interactors
The <i>Fields Selector</i> Dialog.
An interactor for displaying or editing a dataset in a form view.
Interactor Layout Aspect.
Gets the a mapping of an application type to a core type.
Gets the list application types.
Gets the list of property columns to be added to a grid .
Gets the list of property bag items for a control.
Gets the list of controls for a given application type.
Gets a data type display name.
The ultimate superclass of all model objects.
Instances of GmlObject or any of its derived classes are persistent objects that are
stored as part of the model and are universally accessible.
An interactor for displaying or editing a dataset using a tabular data grid.
Interactor Layout Aspect.
The Hyperlink class represents a data-bound Selection Control.
A readonly control used for downloading and displaying images and icons.
A data operator, transforming one or more infosets into a new infoset.
The Infoshape is an element that contains a configurable collection of fields.
This is an abstract class.
The InfoshapePool is the unit that stores all infoshapes in the model.
An object representing a reference to an Inport.
An inbound port through which data or execution enter a component.
The InputControl class represents a data-bound Input Control.
The InputField class represents a data-bound Input Field.
Represents tightly coupled unit of interaction, that enables the user to view application data and to carry out related tasks.
Interactors are displayed in rectangular regions and are arranged using a hierarchy of containers to form the user interface display.
Interactor Layout Aspect.
A link between two plugs in the same unit.
Represents a mapping of 2 fields. When a link connects an infoshape to a base infoshape,
a mapping should be defined between fields in the source infoshape and the fields in the target infoshape.
The MeltingGroup class represents a data-bound display field.
Layout Code.
Encapsulates the snapshot of the model currently held in memory.
An object that holds the active context, a representation of the unit, element,
or field currently in focus.
A utility class for iterating through a collection of GMLDOM objects,
based on the ordering defined by a specified walker function.
An object that can be used for organizing the model units into a navigable hierarchy.
The ModelRecorder is an object used for recording model changes (transactions)
and enabling undo/redo functionality.
A helper object that deals with conversion of Units and GMLObjects to and from XML format.
A Module is a unit that groups together a collection of other units for organizational
purposes. A Module unit resembles a folder in a filing system.
An element used for referencing a module unit.
Represents a navigation and event transfer between two elements.
NavigationLinkRename is a strategy that handles renaming of a <q ref="core.gml:EventPort">EventPort</q> and its effect on NavigationLinks that .
It results in renaming the matching <q ref="core.gml:Plug">Plug</q> in all the Usages of this unit. (See <q ref="core.gml:ComponentUsage">ComponentUsage</q>).
A descriptive annotation that has not semantic meaning in the model.
The ultimate superclass of all objects that are not persistent.
Instances of Object or any of its derived classes are transient objects that only exist in memory.
A logical group of objects. This object implements some methods that
help deal with object groups.
An object representing a reference to an Outport.
An outbound port through which data or execution leave a component.
A PlainText is an unbound control that is used for displaying a text message with uniform formatting.
The Plug object represents the source or target point of a link.
Represents an inbound or outbound component interface.
PortAdd is a strategy that handles the adding of a <q ref="core.gml:DataPort">DataPort</q> to a <q ref="core.gml:Unit">Unit</q>.
It results in adding a matching <q ref="core.gml:Plug">Plug</q> to all the Usages of this unit. (See <q ref="core.gml:ComponentUsage">ComponentUsage</q>).
PortDelete is a strategy that handles erasing of a <q ref="core.gml:DataPort">DataPort</q> from a <q ref="core.gml:Unit">Unit</q>.
It results in removing the matching <q ref="core.gml:Plug">Plug</q> from all the Usages of this unit. (See <q ref="core.gml:ComponentUsage">ComponentUsage</q>).
PortRename is a strategy that handles renaming of a <q ref="core.gml:DataPort">DataPort</q> from a <q ref="core.gml:Unit">Unit</q>.
It results in renaming the matching <q ref="core.gml:Plug">Plug</q> in all the Usages of this unit. (See <q ref="core.gml:ComponentUsage">ComponentUsage</q>).
An abstract class for units that represent an executable workflow component.
An abstract class that defines atomic step of process execution.
An element used for referencing a process unit.
The ProgressBar class represents a data-bound Selection Control.
The PropertyBagItem class represents a name-value pair for a control property determined by the backend.
The RadioGrp class represents a data-bound Radio Group Control.
The RangeControl class represents a data-bound Selection Control.
The ReadonlyControl class represents a data-bound Selection Control.
The RefInfoshape is a reference to <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> object.
A holder class for Translation and other future resources.
A reusable is a unit that groups together a collection of other reusable units for organizational
A Scenario is a component that represents an executable user interface component, such as a screen,
a window, a dialog box, or a nested view.
Scenario Layout Aspect.
An element used for referencing a scenario unit.
ScenarioUsage Layout Aspect.
The Section class represents a data-bound display field.
Layout Code.
The SelectionControl class represents a data-bound Selection Control.
A Service is a unit that represents a data source, such as a remote function,
a Web Service, a database stored procedure, or a business logic component.
An element used for referencing a service unit.
Sets current Dynamic Expression context.
The SimpleControl class represents a data-bound display field.
Layout Code.
The SimpleModelRecorder is an object used for recording model changes (transactions)
and enabling rollback functionality. It stores only the latest transaction.
A state is a well defined temporal subset of a component execution plan.
A composite state where all constituent elements are visible at the same time.
StateAnd Layout Aspect.
A composite state where exactly one of the constituent elements is visible at any point in time.
StateOR Layout Aspect.
The Text is an entry in a Translation table, under a Scenario.
The TextEdit class represents a data-bound TextEdit control.
Represents a toolbar that can hold other controls.
The <i>Fields Editor</i> Dialog.
The Translation holds all Text entries and holds all information needed for Scenario elements translation.
Transactional implementation of GmlObject.
Instances of TransObject or any of its derived classes are persistent objects that are managed using transactions.
The SelectionControl class represents a data-bound Selection Control.
The Unit is the basic organizational unit in GML, enabling modularity and reusability.
An element used for referencing a model unit.