An element used for referencing a model unit.<q ref="core.gml:Configurable">Configurable</q><q ref="">IInfosetEnumerator</q>(c) SAP AG 2003. All rights reserved. Gets the Id of the target unit referenced by this element. Gets a flat list of infosets.Indicates whether to perform a deep search.Collection of <q ref="">IInfoset</q> elements. Gets a tree of infosets.Tree provider of the infosets. Gets the target unit referenced by this element.The target unit. Tests whether the usage is in the parent unit of it's target unit.return <code>true</code> iff the usage is a main usage. Tests whether the usage is a reusable usage.Return <code>true</code> iff the usage is a reusable usage. overrides the GmlObject!onClone method A reusable usage should be cloned as a copy, which means that its target is also cloned.This parameter is an [OUT] parameter and passed byref: Map of the newly created objects used to fix object references. This map should be populated with newly created objects for any depth of children created indirectly by this clone operation. The ID used for this map should be of the old object from which the new one was cloned.Parent object of the newly cloned object.The newly cloned usage.This method should not be called directly as it does not handle all aspects of the clone operation as fixing references, initialization of the cloned objects and after clone ooperations needed to complete this action. Instead, to clone an object you should either call Model's <q ref="core.gml:Model!cloneElements">cloneElements</q> method or ObjectSet-&gt;ObjectSet!clone method.