The Unit is the basic organizational unit in GML, enabling modularity and reusability.<q ref="core.gml:TransObject">TransObject</q><q ref="">IInfosetEnumerator</q><ul><li>A GML model is always made of a collection of one or more GML units, referenced by unique identifiers. </li><li>A GML unit, in turn, is made of a collection of one or more GML elements, referenced by unique identifiers. </li><li>The GML unit is also the basic unit for persistance and for communication. When a model is read, saved, or transported, it is always done by whole units. </li><li>A GML unit may be presented to the user using different design boards. </li></ul>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
Indicates whether the unit is deleted (has been removed from the model since last open).
Indicates whether the unit is dirty (has been changed since last save).
Gets the collection of all elements directly owned by this unit (non-recursive).
Gets the model that owns this unit.
Gets the last unit modification date (in string representation).
Holds resoureces such as translations table.
Gets the unit version number.
Determines whether the object can be drilled into or not.True if the unit can be drilled into.
Performs a deep copy of this unit's properties and elements.A collection that maps the 'old unit's children ID to a new unit's children ID.The newly cloned unit.
Creates a new usage object that is pointing to this unit. This usage is not inserted in the model yet.A collection of property values for initializing the new unit usage.The new usage for this unit.
Creates a new unit and inserts a corresponding unit usage into this unit.The unit class name.A collection of property values for initializing the new unit.A collection of property values for initializing the new unit usage.The usage of the newly created unit, or <code>null</code> in case of any error.
Gets a collection of all the child units of the current unit.specify reusable or not reusable units.The requested units collection.if <q ref="core.gml:Unit">Unit</q> is omitted then all child units are returned.
Gets the table of all element plugs that can be connected to a given plug.The plug to query. It can be either an source plug or a target plug.The table of plugs that can be connected to the given plug, or <code>null</code> in case no valid target plugs were found.
Gets the collection of units that reference this unit (and thus depend on it).The requested units collection.
Gets a flat list of infosets
The list can contain interactor/ports/plugs as infoset IDs.Indicates whether to perform a deep search.Collection of <q ref="">IInfoset</q> elements.
Gets a tree of infosets.Tree provider of the infosets.
Gets the parent unit of the current unit.Returns the parent unit, or <code>null</code> in the case this is root unit.
Gets the collection of units that are referenced by this unit (and thus precede it).The requested units collection.
Gets the collection of all usage elements that point to this unit.The usages collection, indexed by usage key.
Provides a method for checking whether a given unit has any child-units.specify reusable or not reusable units.return <code>true</code> iff the unit has child units.
Indicates whether the unit is editable.Returns <code>true</code> when the unit is editable, and <code>false</code> when it is readonly.
Tests whether the unit is a reusable unit.Return <code>true</code> iff the unit is a reusable unit.
An enumeration of the unit types.<table class="VERT"><tr><td class="H V">REUSABLE </td><td class=H>Reusable unit </td></tr><tr><td class=V>NOT_REUSABLE </td><td>Not reusable unit </td></tr></table>