An element used for referencing a scenario unit.<q ref="core.gml:ComponentUsage">ComponentUsage</q>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
Column Layout specific. Gets or sets element's colspan.
Defines the index of this object in its parent object layout calculation.
Position, in format 'X Y', of this object in its parent UI container, in parent client coordinates.
Specifies if this object is drawn in the Layout Board. Design-time only.
Indicates whether to show the paging bar, if applicable.
Indicates whether to show the title bar, if applicable.
Indicates whether to show the toolbar, if applicable.Event if this property is <code>false,</code> the <q ref="core.gml:ScenarioUsage!toolbar">toolbar</q> property can have valid toolbar defintion.
In such case, the toolbar will not be displayed.
Size, in format 'W H', of this object on the screen.
Defines interactor's toolbar, if any.
Returns an array representing all the events published or consumed by this element.Specify incoming or outgoing events.An array of event names.