A Scenario is a component that represents an executable user interface component, such as a screen,
a window, a dialog box, or a nested view.<q ref="core.gml:Component">Component</q><h2>Child Elements</h2>
<q ref="core.gml:ScenarioUsage">ScenarioUsage</q>, <q ref="core.gml:ServiceUsage">ServiceUsage</q>, <q ref="core.gml:Interactor">Interactor</q>, <q ref="core.gml:State">State</q>, <q ref="core.gml:Port">Port</q>, <q ref="core.gml:Link">Link</q>, <q ref="core.gml:Note">Note</q>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
Column Layout specific. Gets or sets columns count that this scenario has.
Specifies if the layout inside this object is read-only (children cannot be moved/resized).
Type of child objects arrangement. Can be 'VFLOW' (default), 'HFLOW' and 'ABSOLUTE'.
Position, in format 'X Y', of this object in its parent UI container, in parent client coordinates.
Specifies if this object is drawn in the Layout Board. Design-time only.
Indicates whether to show the toolbar, if applicable.Event if this property is <code>false,</code> the <q ref="core.gml:Scenario!toolbar">toolbar</q> property can have valid toolbar defintion.
In such case, the toolbar will not be displayed.
Size, in format 'W H', of this object on the screen.
Defines toolbar that can be shown for this Scenario, if any.
Used for retrieving Text from the translation table.The key of the Text to retrieve.Whether called from DE engine or not.The translated text (and type in case of DE).
Used for creating a new Text instance and an entry in the translation table.The translation type.The text to be translated.A reference the GML Object.The newly genenrated key.
Used for removing Texts from the translation table.One or more (array) of Texts to remove.
Used for updating Text instance and an entry in the translation table.The new text to be translated.The key of the Text object to update.Optional. Needed when the type is to be replaced.The updated key.