The Plug object represents the source or target point of a link.<q ref="core.gml:Element">Element</q><q ref="">IInfoset</q>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.<q ref="core.gml:Link">Link</q>
Specify plug's direction.
Gets the port object referenced by this Plug.
always access this property through <q ref="core.gml:Plug!getTarget">getTarget</q> function, or through <q ref="core.gml:GmlObject!getProperty">getProperty</q>('port');
To access the port's full ID without loading its unit, call <code>getTargetFullId()</code>
Queries whether the current plug can be multiple connected .Return <code>true</code> iff the plug can multiple connected.
Gets the infoset's friendly name.The infoset's friendly name (alias).
Gets the infoset's id.The infoset's id.
Gets the infoshape related to the object depicted by the Plug.The infoshape object.
Gets the plug's name.The plug's name.
Gets the object related to this plug -either its parget port, or if no target port - then its parent.The object related to this port.
Gets the target Port referenced by this Plug.The target port or null otherwise.
Gets the full id of target Port referenced by this Plug.The full id of the target port or null otherwise.
An enumeration of the available direction types.<table class="VERT"><tr><td class="H V">DIR_IN </td><td class=H>IN direction </td></tr><tr><td class=V>DIR_OUT </td><td>OUT direction </td></tr><tr><td class=V>DIR_IO </td><td>IN and OUT direction </td></tr></table>