An object that can be used for organizing the model units into a navigable hierarchy.<q ref="core.gml:Object">Object</q><p>
The ModelOrganizer class implements the TreeProvider interface (see <q ref="core.lib:TreeView">TreeView</q>).
Therefore, it can be used to create TreeView controls for displaying and navigating
the model's organizational hierarchy.
Instances of this class are created automatically by the system, and should
not be created directly. To access the ModelOrganizer object of the currently
open model use the Environment's <q ref="core.env:Environment!organizer">organizer</q> property.
</p>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
Gets the model organized by this object.
Gets the root Unit of the Organizer.
Configs a set of elements.return an array of tree nodes.
Gets the ancestors chain of a given unit.The given unit.The list of the unit's ancestors, in nesting order.
Gets the node id acourding to it's type:
Unit : unitId
reusable Usage: containingUnit.usageId.targetUnitId
not reusable Usage: targetUnitId
other elements: containingUnitId.elementId.A Gml object.
Gets the list of all orphan index nodes.The list of orphan index nodes.
Gets the parent unit of a given unit.The given unit.The parent unit.
Gets only the reusables usages of a given unit.AN object of the type Unit.Returns an array of reusable usages.
Gets the root id of a given element.An object of the type <q ref="core.gml:Unit">Unit</q>An object of the type <q ref="core.gml:Element">Element</q>
Gets the collection of sub-units of a given unit.The given unit.The requested sub-units collection.
Provides a quick method for checking whether a given unit has any child-units.return <code>true</code> iff the unit has child units.
Provides a quick method for checking whether a given unit has a parent unit.The given unit.The test result.
Provides a quick method for checking whether a given unit has any sub-units.The given unit.The test result.
Tests whether the unit is a reusable unit.Return <code>true</code> iff the usage is a reusable usage.
paste a usage as link.
paste a usage as link.