An object that holds the active context, a representation of the unit, element, or field currently in focus.<q ref="core.gml:Object">Object</q>Instances of this class are created automatically by the system, and should not be created directly. To access the active context use the <q ref="core.env:Environment!context">$ENV.context</q> property.(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. Gets the id of the board in context. Gets the clipboard collection. Gets the element in context. Gets the field in context. Indicates whether the context is editable. Indicates whether the context is empty (i.e., level == CTX_NONE). Gets the context level (CTX_NONE, CTX_UNIT, CTX_ELEMENT, CTX_FIELD). Gets the model in context. Gets the object in direct context (<q ref="core.gml:ModelContext!unit">unit</q>, <q ref="core.gml:ModelContext!element">element</q>, or <q ref="core.gml:ModelContext!field">field</q>, depending on <q ref="core.gml:ModelContext!level">level</q>). Gets the unit in context. Clears the context.If the context has actually been changed, then the <q ref="core.env:Environment!onContextSwitch">onContextSwitch</q> event will also be triggered. Checks whether a given object and the active context coincide on a specified level.The object to test.The level to match (1=unit, 2=element, or 4=field).The test result. Checks whether a given object is contained by or equal to the active context.The object to test.The test result. Checks whether a given object is the same as the active context.The object to test.The test result. Gets the context board's aspect role.The context board aspect role. Gets the context board's definition object.The context board definition object. Tests whether the active context object is an instance of a specified GML class/prototype.The qualified class/prototype name to test (if the namespace is omitted then "<code>core.gml:"</code> is assumed).Returns <code>true</code> iff the active context is an instance of <i>className</i> Refreshes the active context.This method causes the <q ref="core.env:Environment!onContextSwitch">onContextSwitch</q> to be triggered unconditionally. Sets the context to the given board, without changing the object.The new board in context.<p>This method might throw an exception if the object cannot be put into context.</p> <p>If the context has actually been changed, then the <q ref="core.env:Environment!onContextSwitch">onContextSwitch</q> event will also be triggered.</p> Sets the context to the given object and board.The new object in context.The new board in context.Indicates whether the context switch is due to history traversal.<p>This method might throw an exception if the object cannot be put into context.</p> <p>If the context has actually been changed, then the <q ref="core.env:Environment!onContextSwitch">onContextSwitch</q> event will also be triggered.</p> Sets the context to the given object, without changing the board.The new object in context.<p>This method might throw an exception if the object cannot be put into context.</p> <p>If the context has actually been changed, then the <q ref="core.env:Environment!onContextSwitch">onContextSwitch</q> event will also be triggered.</p>