A link between two plugs in the same unit.<q ref="core.gml:Element">Element</q>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.<q ref="core.gml:Connectable">Connectable</q> Gets the source plug of the link. Gets the target plug of the link. A callback method that is called when the <q ref="core.gml:RefInfoshape">RefInfoshape</q> or related <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> is modified on the source or target elements on this Link.the type of change of infoshape.An object containing data related to the change in the infoshape.<ul><li>See more details on the parameters passed to this method in <q ref="core.gml:Infoshape!notifyOnChange">notifyOnChange</q>. </li><li>Override this method to handle changes in this object as a result of changes in the related infoshape. </li></ul>