The InfoshapePool is the unit that stores all infoshapes in the model.<q ref="core.gml:Unit">Unit</q><ul><li>The infoshape pool stores all <q ref="core.gml:RefInfoshape">RefInfoshape</q> objects in the model. In addition, it stoers usages to all <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshapeUnit">BOInfoshapeUnit</q> units. </li><li>Infohsape pool also handles notification on changes in infoshapes in the model. </li></ul>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. Collection for optimizations: All <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshapeUsage">BOInfoshapeUsage</q> objects stored in this unit, indexed by the unique id. (<q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape!bo_id">bo_id</q>);Actor. Cleans the entire infoshape pool - should be used only when a floorplan is deleted. Clone <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshapeUnit">BOInfoshapeUnit</q> with a given backend ID.The <q ref="core.gml:InfoshapePool!core">core</q>.gml:BOInfoshapeUnit! to clone.The Backend ID for the cloned <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q>The created infoshape unit, or <code>null</code> if this <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> already exists.<b>Note: </b>This function returns <code>null</code> if the backend ID of the cloned infoshape already exists. create new <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshapeUnit">BOInfoshapeUnit</q> and inside it a <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> object with a given backend ID. Put a usage for the created unit in the infoshape pool.The class name for the <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> object that is created inside the <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshapeUnit">BOInfoshapeUnit</q> unit.The name for the created unit and its usgae.The Backend ID for the created <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q>The <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> object that will be inserted into the <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshapeUnit">BOInfoshapeUnit</q> unit.The name for the created unit and its usgae.The Backend ID for the created <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q>The created infoshape unit, or <code>null</code> if this <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> already exists.<b>Note: </b>This function returns <code>null</code> if the backend ID of the created infoshape already exists. create new <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshapeUnit">BOInfoshapeUnit</q> and inside it a <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> object with a given backend ID. Put a usage for the created unit in the infoshape pool.The class name for the <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> object that is created inside the <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshapeUnit">BOInfoshapeUnit</q> unit.The name for the created unit and its usgae.The Backend ID for the created <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q>The created infoshape unit, or <code>null</code> if this <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> already exists.<b>Note: DEPRICATED.</b>This function returns <code>null</code> if the backend ID of the created infoshape already exists. Delete a <q ref="core.gml:InfoshapePool!BOInfoshapeUnit">BOInfoshapeUnit</q>The unit to delete.true if succeeded in deleting, false if failed for some reason.This method first checks if this BOInfoshape is in use by and elements. Then it deletes all RefInfoshapes (that contain BOInfoshapeUsage) to this BOInfoshapeUnit in order to delete it. It also deletes the BOInfoshapeUsage in the infoshape pool. Gets a global model <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> by its <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape!bo_id">bo_id</q> (backend unique id).The backend ID of the requested <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> object.The <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> that was found, or <code>null</code> Gets a <q ref="core.gml:RefInfoshape">RefInfoshape</q> object, using its GML ID.The GML ID of the requested <q ref="core.gml:RefInfoshape">RefInfoshape</q> object.The <q ref="core.gml:RefInfoshape">RefInfoshape</q> that was found. Remove a refInfoshape from the infoshape pool. store an infoshape in the infoshape pool. Can store <q ref="core.gml:RefInfoshape">RefInfoshape</q> object.The <q ref="core.gml:RefInfoshape">RefInfoshape</q> to store in the infoshape pool.