The Infoshape is an element that contains a configurable collection of fields. This is an abstract class.<q ref="core.gml:Configuration">Configuration</q><q ref="">IInfoshape</q>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.<q ref="core.gml:Configurable">Configurable</q> | <q ref="core.gml:Field">Field</q> | <q ref="core.gml:RefInfoshape">RefInfoshape</q> | <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> The fields contained in this Infoshape. use <q ref="core.gml:Infoshape!createField">createField</q> and <q ref="core.gml:Infoshape!removeField">removeField</q> to add or remove them. Wrapper method for creating fields in <q ref="core.gml:Infoshape">Infoshape</q>. Use this method instead of <q ref="core.gml:TransObject!createElement">createElement</q>The class name of the field object.A collection of property values for initializing the new element.the new field that was successfully created and inserted, or <code>null</code> Gets the infoshape's friendly name (alias).The infoshape's friendly name. Gets the string representation of the application-specific technical infoshape name.The application-specific technical infoshape name. Gets the string representation of the application-specific technical infoshape type.The application-specific technical infoshape type. Gets the infoshape's description, as retrieved from the backend.The infoshape's description. Gets a Field in this Infoshape by its ID.The id of the field to retrieve.The retrieved <q ref="">IField</q> element. Gets collection of the Fields that belong to this Infoshape.Collection of <q ref="core.gml:Field">Field</q> elements. The infoshape's GML id. Gets the infoshape's label, as retrieved from the backend.The infoshape's label. Gets the infoshape's unique identifier. It should consist of letters, digits or '_', and not start with a digit. It is unique in the scope of all infoshapes and fields with the same parent infoshape.The infoshape's unique identifier. Gets the infoshape's type.The infoshape's type. Tests compatibility between two infoshapes. This method is overriden by derived classes.Another infoshape to be compared.Returns <code>true</code> if infoshapes are compatible; otherwise, returns <code>false</code> Notify on changes that occurred in the infoshape.the type of change of infoshape.An object containing data related to the change in the infoshape.<code>changeData</code> object contains members that represent the change in the infoshape. <h2>INFOSHAPE_CHANGE_NONE</h2> changeData is null. <h2>INFOSHAPE_CHANGE_FIELD_ADD, INFOSHAPE_CHANGE_FIELD_DELETE</h2> changeData contain these members <table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Member </td><td class=H>Type </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>fields </td><td><q ref="core.gml:Field">Field</q>[] </td><td>Array of added/deleted fields. Must contain at least one field. </td></tr></table> <h2>INFOSHAPE_CHANGE_FIELD_UPDATE</h2> changeData contain these members <table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Member </td><td class=H>Type </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>field </td><td><q ref="core.gml:Field">Field</q> </td><td>Modified field </td></tr><tr><td class=V>evt </td><td><q ref="core.gml:GmlObject!onUpdateObject">onUpdateObject</q> event </td><td>The event representing the field's modification. </td></tr></table> <h2>INFOSHAPE_CHANGE_BO_REPLACED</h2> changeData contain these members <table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Member </td><td class=H>Type </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>old_bo </td><td>id </td><td>bo id of the old <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> </td></tr><tr><td class=V>new_bo </td><td>id </td><td>bo id of the new <q ref="core.gml:BOInfoshape">BOInfoshape</q> </td></tr></table> <h2>INFOSHAPE_CHANGE_REF_REPLACED</h2> changeData contain these members <table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Member </td><td class=H>Type </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>old_ref </td><td>id </td><td>id of the old <q ref="core.gml:RefInfoshape">RefInfoshape</q> </td></tr><tr><td class=V>new_ref </td><td>id </td><td>id of the new <q ref="core.gml:RefInfoshape">RefInfoshape</q> </td></tr></table> Wrapper method for removing a field in <q ref="core.gml:Infoshape">Infoshape</q>. Use this method instead of <q ref="core.gml:TransObject!removeElement">removeElement</q>The field child element to remove.The Id of the field child element to remove.Indicates whether the field child element was successfully removed. An enumeration of the type of change in the infoshape.The available field sources are listed below: <table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Type </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>INFOSHAPE_CHANGE_NONE </td><td>No change </td></tr><tr><td class=V>INFOSHAPE_CHANGE_FIELD_ADD </td><td>Fields added to infoshape </td></tr><tr><td class=V>INFOSHAPE_CHANGE_FIELD_DELETE </td><td>Fields removed from infoshape </td></tr><tr><td class=V>INFOSHAPE_CHANGE_FIELD_UPDATE </td><td>Field updated in infoshape </td></tr><tr><td class=V>INFOSHAPE_CHANGE_BO_REPLACED </td><td>RefInfoshape now points to a new BO infoshape </td></tr><tr><td class=V>INFOSHAPE_CHANGE_REF_REPLACED </td><td>Configurable element has new RefInfoshape </td></tr></table>