The Field class is an abstract class from which all GML field types are derived.<q ref="core.gml:ConfigurationItem">ConfigurationItem</q><q ref="">IField</q>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
Gets the owner infoshape.
Gets or sets the field's type.
Gets or sets wheter this field is required to have a value or not.
Gets or sets the backend-system data type.
DEPRECATED - use getName() or getLabel() instead
Gets the field's friendly name (alias).The fields's friendly name.
Get a collection of values that are allowed as an a value of this field.
return null if no such collection is defined (e.g. in case of an integer field).
Gets the string representation of the application-specific technical field name.The application-specific technical field name.
Gets the string representation of the application-specific technical field type.The application-specific technical field type.
Gets the field's description, as retrieved from the backend.The fields's description.
Gets the field's id.The field's id.
Gets the owner infoshape.The infoshape object.
Gets the field's control label, retrieved from the backend.The fields's control label.
NOTE - for GML fields, the Name does not abide to the name definitions in the interface, and is merely a display name.
return the value of the property in this field, if not exist return null.
Gets the field's type.The field's type.
An enumeration of the available field data types.The available field data types are listed below:
<table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Type </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>FLD_STRING </td><td>Text (string) field </td></tr><tr><td class=V>FLD_INTEGER </td><td>Numeric integer field </td></tr><tr><td class=V>FLD_FLOAT </td><td>Numeric float field </td></tr><tr><td class=V>FLD_DATE </td><td>Date field </td></tr><tr><td class=V>FLD_TIME </td><td>Time field </td></tr><tr><td class=V>FLD_BOOLEAN </td><td>Boolean (true/false) field </td></tr><tr><td class=V>FLD_QUANTITY </td><td>Quantity </td></tr></table>