Represents a Control that can be displayed in an Interactor or a Toolbar.<q ref="core.gml:ConfigurationItem">ConfigurationItem</q><q ref="">IDESupport</q><font color="red">This class is in preliminary design stage, and is subject to change.</font>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. Column Layout specific. Gets or sets the control's colspan. Defienes if the control is enabled/disabled. A1S specific. Defines control explanation text. Column Layout specific. Gets or sets the control's CRLF attribute. Gets or sets the control's visibility. Control index in a flow layout. Gets or sets the label for the control. Defines if the control is mandatory. Control absolute position relative to its Interactor or ControlGroup. Gets or sets the control's read-only attribute. Column Layout specific. Gets or sets the control's rowspan. Control size. Gets or sets the control's 'sortAllowed' attribute. Gets or sets the control tooltip. Gets or sets the control's 'wrap' attribute. Gets the interactor that contains the current control.The interactor which the control is in.