The ConfigurationItem class is an abstract class from which all GML field types are derived.<q ref="core.gml:Element">Element</q>A ConfigurationItem has a reference to the element whose configuration it represents. The element and its corresponding configuration item have coincident lifespans.
You should not delete the configuration item directly. It should be created/deleted together with its corresponding element.(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.<q ref="core.gml:Configurable">Configurable</q> | <q ref="core.gml:Configuration">Configuration</q>
Reference to the element being configured by this configuration item. Use the methods <q ref="core.gml:ConfigurationItem!getConfigElement">getConfigElement</q> and <q ref="core.gml:ConfigurationItem!setConfigElement">setConfigElement</q>
to access this property.
Get the <q ref="core.gml:Element">Element</q> being configured by this <q ref="core.gml:ConfigurationItem">ConfigurationItem</q> object, or null if unavailable.
Set the <q ref="core.gml:Element">Element</q> being configured by this <q ref="core.gml:ConfigurationItem">ConfigurationItem</q> object.The configured element.