Defines a class of objects and provides access to the class's metadata.The Class of any GML object can be retrieved through the special <code>constructor</code> property.(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
Gets the collection of class dependents.The collection of class dependents depends on the class type, according to:
<ol><li>Class: all attached aspects. </li><li>Aspect: all base classes. </li><li>Prototype: all implementing classes/aspects </li></ol>
Gets the fully-qualified class name.
Indicates that the class is abstract, and cannot be instantiated.
Indicates that this is an aspect.
Indicates that this is a class.
Indicates that this is a prototype.
Indicates that the class is valid (has been successfully loaded and parsed).
Gets the kit of the class source file.
Gets the class metadata object.The metadata object contains descriptive information about the class in the following structure:
<table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Attribute </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>title </td><td>The class title </td></tr><tr><td class=V>descr </td><td>The class description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>icon16 </td><td>The class's small icon urn </td></tr><tr><td class=V>icon32 </td><td>The class's large icon urn </td></tr></table>
Additional metadata items may be defined by classes as needed.
Gets the bare class name (without the namespace prefix).
Gets the namespace object that the class belongs to.
Gets the collection of events defined directly on the class.
Gets the collection of methods defined directly on the class.
Gets the collection of properties defined directly on the class.
Gets the collection of classifiers directly related to this class.
Gets the collection of class precedents.The collection of class precedents is made of the class itself, plus all ancestor classes, plus all
attached prototypes.
Gets the namespace prefix of the class.
Gets the collection of all class property definitions (including inherited properties).
Gets the collection of subclasses that are derived from this class.
Gets the number of subclasses that are derived from this class.
Gets the superclass from which this class is derived.
Gets the class type (Class|Aspect|Prototype).
Gets the urn of the class source file.
Gets the value of a specified class (static) property.The name of the property to get.The value of the requested property.
Tests whether this class is derived from a specified class/prototype.The qualified class/prototype name to test (if the namespace is omitted then "<code>core.gml:"</code> is assumed).Returns <code>true</code> iff this class is derived from <i>className</i>