A catalog of all packages and kits that are installed on a Visual Composer server.Instances of this class are created automatically by the system, and should not be created directly.(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. Constructs and initializes a new KitsManifest object.The kits manifest xml document. Gets the table of all declared aspect roles. Gets the list of errors encountered during parsing of the kits manifest document. Gets the table of kits in the manifest, indexed by kit urn. Gets the table of packages in the manifest, indexed by package name. Gets the table of all prefixes in use (both package and aspectRole prefixes). Gets the the server url of this manifest. Gets the the server version of this manifest. Computes the kits configuration that fully encompasses a given production kit plus all feature kits.The urn of the production kit.The table of feature kits urns.The expanded kits configuration, sorted by loading order. Gets the list of files in a given kits configuration.The kits configuration.The list of files urns, sorted by loading order. Gets the list of feature kits for a given production kit, sorted by dependencies order.The urn of the production kit.The feature kits list, sorted by dependencies order, and with an empty entry between each layer of dependencies. Normalizes a given urn to a fully-qualified urn.The urn to normalize.The name of the package in context.<code>The</code> normalized urn. Parses an XML document containing a configuration and validates the results.The xml configuration document.If <code>true</code> includes nested imported kits.The parsed kits configuration sorted by loading order, or <code>null</code> in case of any errors.Use the <q ref="core.env:KitsManifest!errors">errors</q> property to obtain any errors that were encountered. Parses the kits manifest from a given XML document.The kits manifest xml document.Returns <code>true</code> if the manifest was parsed successfully; otherwise, returns <code>false</code> (use the <q ref="core.env:KitsManifest!errors">errors</q> property to obtain the detailed list of errors). Produces an XML representation of a given kits configuration object.The kits configuration object.The xml representation of the kits configuration.