An object containing information about a Visual Composer kit.Instances of this class are created automatically by the system, and should not be created directly.(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. Gets the kit author or authors. Gets the kit copyright message. Gets the table of all kit dependents (kits that must be imported after this kit). Gets the table of extended kits, indexed by kit urn. Gets the array of imported files urns, indexed by importing order. Gets the kit display icon. Gets the table of feature kits, indexed by kit urn. Gets the array of imported kits urns, indexed by importing order. Gets the kit display label. Gets the bare kit name. Gets the package that owns this kit. Gets the table of all kit precedents (kits that need to be imported before this kit). Gets the table of required packages, indexed by package name. Gets the kit description summary. Gets the kit type (P=Production, I=Internal, E=Extension, S=Startup). Get the fully-qualified kit urn. Gets the version of the package that owns this kit.