Extension point for defining kit helper objects.(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. Defines a new helper object/function.The name of the helper class (must be a class inherited from <q ref="core.gml:Object">Object</q>).A variable list of arguments to pass to the helper class constructor.The name of the helper function (must be fully qualified).The function object.The object.The name of the helper object (must be fully qualified).The newly defined helper object/function, or <code>null</code> in case of any error.Helper objects defined using the first form must have an <code>id</code> property (either declared as a property in the class, or initialized by the Arguments collection) - the <code>id</code> must be prefixed with namespace e.g. com.sap.mypackage:id <h2>Xml definition of a helper in a configuration file</h2> <pre> &lt;CONFIGURE type=&quot;HELPERS&quot;&gt; ? &lt;HEADER&gt; ? &lt;PRAGMA&gt;# Pragmas section&lt;/PRAGMA&gt; ? &lt;SCRIPT&gt;# Code section. Place here functions\variables which you want to address from within the helper tags &lt;/SCRIPT&gt; &lt;/HEADER&gt; &lt;HELPERS&gt; + &lt;HELPER&gt; ? &lt;PROPERTIES&gt; &lt;classname&gt;# The name of the helper class &lt;/classname&gt; &lt;/PROPERTIES&gt; &lt;ARGS&gt; * &lt;arg&gt;# An argument to pass to the helper class constructor. See further explanations about ARGS in XML definition of channel: <q ref="core.env:KitChannels!defineChannel">defineChannel</q> &lt;/arg&gt; &lt;/ARGS&gt; &lt;/HELPER&gt; &lt;/HELPERS&gt; &lt;/CONFIGURE&gt; </pre> <h2>Example</h2> <pre> &lt;CONFIGURE type=&quot;HELPERS&quot;&gt; &lt;HELPERS&gt; &lt;HELPER&gt; &lt;PROPERTIES&gt; &lt;classname&gt;com.sap.vctests:HelperClass&lt;/classname&gt; &lt;/PROPERTIES&gt; &lt;ARGS&gt; &lt;arg&gt;{id: &quot;someid&quot;}&lt;/arg&gt; &lt;/ARGS&gt; &lt;/HELPER&gt; &lt;/HELPERS&gt; &lt;/CONFIGURE&gt; </pre> Executes a specified helper function.The Id of the helper function to execute.A variable list of arguments to pass to the helper function.The helper function result. Returns a specified helper object/function.The Id of the helper object/function to get.The requested helper object/function. Returns the complete helpers table.Table of helpers objects, indexed by their identifiers.Helper id's are stored in uppercase. Use <q ref="core.lib:Basic!UPPER">UPPER</q> macro to convert the helper id to uppercase before using it as the index in this table. Removes a specified helper object/function.The Id of the helper object/function to remove.