Extension point for defining kit event listeners.(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
Defines a new event listener.The new event listener definition.The newly defined event listener.The order in which event listeners are defined in the kits configuration (their loading sequence)
determines the order in which they will be invoked when their respective event is raised.
<h2>Xml definition of a listener in a configuration file</h2>
? <PRAGMA># Pragmas section</PRAGMA>
? <SCRIPT># Code section. Place here functions\variables
which you want to address from within the listener tags
# For complete description of listener
definition see <q ref="core.env:KitEvents!EVENT_LISTENER">EVENT_LISTENER</q>
* <propertyName type="[function | ]"/>
# Represents a property of the listener
You can assign the 'type' attribute for
evaluating the value of the property
as a function
<func type="function"><![CDATA[
function () { return "onshapemenu"}]]></func>
Gets a specified kit event type.The requested event type name.The requested event type definition.
Gets the complete kit events types table.Returns the table of all kit event types, indexed by type name.Event id's are stored in lowercase. Use <q ref="core.lib:Basic!LOWER">LOWER</q> macro to convert the event's id to lowercase
before using it as the index in this table.
Gets a specified kit event listener definition.event listener Id.The requested event listener definition.
Gets the complete kit event listeners table.Table of event listeners definitions, indexed by id.
Removes a specified event listener definition.The id of the event listener to remove.
Represents a kit event listener definition.The EVENT_LISTENER structure is made of:
<table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Name </td><td class=H>Type </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>id </td><td>Number </td><td>Unique listener Id (created automatically by the system) </td></tr><tr><td class=V>type </td><td>String </td><td>Event type to listen to </td></tr><tr><td class=V>func </td><td>Function </td><td>Function to be invoked by the event listener </td></tr><tr><td class=V>object </td><td>String </td><td>Restrict listener to events triggered on specified class of objects </td></tr><tr><td class=V>property </td><td>String </td><td>Restrict listener to events on specified property name </td></tr></table>
Represents a kit event type.The EVENT_TYPE structure is made of:
<table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Name </td><td class=H>Type </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>type </td><td>String </td><td>Event type name </td></tr><tr><td class=V>0..n </td><td>String </td><td>Event parameter names </td></tr></table>