Extension point for defining kit enumerations.(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
Defines a new enumeration.The enumeration id - must be prefixed with namespace e.g. com.sap.mypackage:id.The enumeration object.The enumeration id - must be prefixed with namespace e.g. com.sap.mypackage:id.The enumeration in string representation.The newly defined enumeration.<h2>Xml definition of enumeration</h2>
? <PRAGMA># Pragmas section</PRAGMA>
? <SCRIPT># Code section. Place here functions\variables
which you want to address from within the enumeration tags
+ <ENUMERATION id="com.sap.mypackage:enumerationId">
<DATA type="string">
# The enumeration in string representation
<ENUMERATION id="com.sap.mypackage:enumerationId">
<DATA type="object">
# The enumeration object
The order of the items in the object here determins
the order in the enumeration (see example)
<DATA type="string">A:Normal;B:Emphasized;C:Italic;D:Underline</DATA>
<DATA type="object">
Returns a specified enumeration.The enumeration id.The requested enumeration object.
Returns the complete enumerations table.Table of enumeration objects, indexed by enumeration id.Enumeration id's are stored in uppercase. Use <q ref="core.lib:Basic!UPPER">UPPER</q> macro to convert the enumeration's id to uppercase
before using it as the index in this table.
Removes a specified enumeration.The id of the enumeration to remove.