Extension point for defining kit classes, prototypes, and aspects.(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
Creates a new object instance of a specified class.The class name.The property values for initializing the new GmlObject.The class name.A variable list of arguments to pass to the class constructor.The new object instance, or <code>null</code> in case of any error.
Defines or redefines a classifier (class/aspect/prototype) by compiling the given source code.The source code.The package to which the classifier belongs to.The urn of the classifier source file.If an error was encountered, returns the corresponding error message; otherwise, returns null.The source code should contain the full classifier declaration.
Also, it should be JavaScript code.
Defines or redefines class members by compiling the given source code fragment.The source code.If an error was encountered, returns the corresponding error message; otherwise, returns null.The source code fragment can contain any number of member declarations.
Gets the list of all class associations.Returns the table of all class associations, indexed by source class name.
Gets a specified classifier.The classifier name.The requested classifier.
Gets the list of all classifiers.Returns the table of all kit classifiers, indexed by name.
Gets the list of all namespaces.Returns the table of all kit classifiers, indexed by name.
Defines a partial ordering relation over the set of all classifiers.The first classifier name (or '*').The second classifier name (or '*').returns -1 if <code>C1</code> < <code>C2,</code> +1 if <code>C1</code> > <code>C2,</code> or 0 otherwise.<p>
This method can be used for defining a partial ordering relation over the set of all installed classifiers.
The ordering relation between two classifiers (C1,C2) is defined as follows:
<code>C1</code> < <code>C2</code> iff (<code>C1</code> != <code>C2)</code> and ( (<code>C2</code> == '*') or (<code>C1</code> isa <code>C2)</code> or (P1 < P2)
Where P1 resp. P2 are the top-most ancestors of C1 resp. C2 that are not derived from each other. P1 and P2 are compared in lexicographical order.
Removes a specified classifier definition.The name of the classifier to remove.If an error was encountered, returns the corresponding error message; otherwise, returns null.Existing object instances are not affected by this method. They will continue
to exist and will retain the classifier definitions until they are explicitly removed.