The Visual Composer environment interface.(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. Gets or sets whether to use incremental loading when opening a model. Gets or sets the auto-save interval, in minutes (0 means no auto-save).The internal auto-save timer is reset each time the property value is set (even if the actual value has not changed). Gets a value indicating whether the environment is engaged in some lengthy model operation.The property can return exactly one of the following values: <table class="VERT"><tr><td class="H V">Value </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>&nbsp; </td><td>An empty string, indicating that the model is not busy </td></tr><tr><td class=V>opening </td><td>A new model is being opened </td></tr><tr><td class=V>closing </td><td>The current model is being closed </td></tr><tr><td class=V>saving </td><td>The current model is being saved </td></tr></table> Gets or sets the active context.This property can be set to any GmlObject, and the active context will be updated accordingly. Gets the board currently in context, if any. Indicates whether the current context is editable. Gets the element currently in context, if any. Deprecated. Gets the field currently in context, if any. Gets the unit currently in context, if any. Deprecated. Gets the control helper. (for forward compatibility it is recommended to use the corresponding property on the model object instead.). Deprecated. Gets the data helper. (for forward compatibility it is recommended to use the corresponding property on the model object instead.). Gets or sets whether to add the label property to the display of the name. Deprecated. Gets the dynamic expression parser. (for forward compatibility it is recommended to use the corresponding property on the model object instead.). Gets the number of installed kit files. Gets the total size of installed kit files. Gets the installed kits configuration. Gets the XML of the manifest of the kits installed on the connected server. Gets or sets the name resizing factor, in units. Gets the currently open model. Gets the open models array.This property holds the currently open models. Deprecated. Gets the model organizer object. (for forward compatibility it is recommended to use the corresponding property on the model object instead.). Deprecated. Gets the data helper. (for forward compatibility it is recommended to use the corresponding property on the model object instead.). Deprecated. Gets the change propagator object. (for forward compatibility it is recommended to use the corresponding property on the model object instead.). Gets or sets the number of recent models to keep. Deprecated. Gets the transactions recorder. (for forward compatibility it is recommended to use the corresponding property on the model object instead.). Gets the root module of the current model. Gets the global SearchConnector object, used for generic search and browse functionalities. Deprecated. Gets the model serializer object. (for forward compatibility it is recommended to use the corresponding property on the model object instead.). Gets or sets a flag indicating whether all model events are suppressed. Deprecated. Gets the export-import manager object. (for forward compatibility it is recommended to use the corresponding property on the model object instead.). Deprecated. Gets the xgl helper. (for forward compatibility it is recommended to use the corresponding property on the model object instead.). Reuses an existing model.The model to add.The model's name. Add an existing model (loaded in memory) to workspace.The model to add.The model's name.dror ben-gai / 17-oct-2006: addModelToWS() is called when a model is added to the workspace, meaning a new tab will be added to the workspace. This is different than calling addModelToParent(), where a model is added as a usage to another model (for instance, when dragging a model from the Search panel). Reuses an existing model.The model to add.The model's name.The model's class name. Adds a new entry to the top of the recent models list.The model to add.The 'model' parameter is an array of collections in this format: - id - name - developmentComponent - softwareComponent - repository. Remove a star (*) from the tab name of the selected model.The ID of the model in question. Close all the currently open models, prompting the user for each one if it's dirty. Closes the current model.Indicates whether to force closing the model, even if the model has been changed.Indicates whether to force closing the model, even if the model has been changed.Indicates whether this function is called during a logoff operation, in which case some actions shoudn't be performed.Returns <code>false</code> if the model was not closed, for any reason; otherwise, returns <code>true</code><q ref="core.env:Environment!openModel">openModel</q> Close all the currently open models, except modelID.The ID of the model in question. Close a single model.The ID of the model in question. create event object of the environment scope.the event object. Creates a new model and save it.The model to add.The model's name.The model's class name.A collection of initialization values.true if should pass the unitValue to be used as different location.The created unit. Fires a general event for notification of all changes to the model.The event object.If the event was fired, then the event object is returned (possibly modified by the event listeners). If the event was not fired, then a <code>null</code> is returned.<q ref="core.env:Environment!suppressEvents">suppressEvents</q> The unit Id.The element Id (within the unit).The concatenated unit and element Ids, in the form: <code>unitId.elemId</code>The requested element, or <code>null</code> if not found.Use the <q ref="core.env:BaseChannel!error">error</q> property of the model's channel object to check for any errors.<q ref="core.env:Environment!getUnit">getUnit</q> determine if installation of kits finished. Gets the specified kit information object.The urn of the requested kit.The requested kit information object. Returns the key of the local repository.Instance of the base channel. Get the current board for the selected model.The ID of the model in question. Get a snapshot for the given model, for a specific board.The ID of the model in question.The name of the board for which the snapshot belongs.The requested snapshot for a given model in a specific board, or <code>null</code> if not found. Gets the name of model from url and creates the model info for opening it.modelInfo object. returns a model from the _openModels array against a valid modelID, or null if model not found.The ID of the model to return. Gets the specified package information object.The urn of the requested package.The requested package information object. Gets the name of production kit. return the configurations of the production kit (which was sent in url). Gets the name of model from url. Returns a specific runtime property value.the property name. Gets a specified model unit, loading it if needed.The id of the unit to get.The requested unit, or <code>null</code> if not found.Use the <q ref="core.env:BaseChannel!error">error</q> property of the model's channel object to check for any errors.<q ref="core.env:Environment!getElement">getElement</q> install the kits of the production kit and bsic configurations. if modelID is in _openModels, return true if it's dirty if modelID == null or is not in _openModels, return true if at least one of the open models is dirty. return true if the model is currently open (has a tab in the application).The ID of the model in question. determine if a model name was sent in url for open. goes to the server to check whether a given Unit is read only.the ID of the unit.the location of the unit's implementation. Returns true if succeeded.Location object. Opens a specified model.The model to open.Returns <code>false</code> if the model could not be opened; otherwise, returns <code>true</code> and proceeds with the model opening process on a separate thread.<q ref="core.env:Environment!closeModel">closeModel</q> shows a warning that the model was not found, and removes the model from the recent list.The ID of the model.The Name of the model. Reload a model (without saving!!!) from new_location (if provided).The ID of the model in question. Remvoes an entry from the recent models list, if it exists.The model to remove. Reopens the current model.Returns <code>true</code> if the model was reopened; otherwise, returns <code>false</code><q ref="core.env:Environment!openModel">openModel</q> Save all currently open models. Saves all changes to the current model.Indicates whether to wait for the save operation to complete before returning.Returns <code>true</code> iff the model was saved successfully; otherwise, returns <code>false</code> Save the current model in a different name. Prompts before saving all changes to the current model.Indicates whether to wait for the save operation to complete before returning.Returns <code>true</code> iff the model was saved successfully; otherwise, returns <code>false</code> Save a single model.The ID of the model in question. Add a star (*) to the tab name of the selected model.The ID of the model in question. Set the current board for the selected model.The ID of the model in question.The name of the board that modelID is currently showing. Set a snapshot for the given model, for a specific board.The ID of the model in question.The name of the board for which the snapshot belongs.The snapshot of the given board, for the given model. init the production kit and get its config (its kit list). Fires whenever the current context is changed.The new context.The new context's object.The new context's board.Bitwise combination of context level changes (see <q ref="core.gml:ModelContext">ModelContext</q>). Fires whenever the current GML kit is installed, reinstalled, or configured.The kit sections that were affected by the changes (* means all). Fires whenever a model is closed. Fires whenever the model's dirty flag is changed.True=dirty, false=clean. This is a general event for notification of all changes to the model.The event object.A variable list of event parameters, depending on the event type. Fires whenever a model is opened.The model urn. Fires whenever the model's organizational hierarchy is changed.The unit that was reorganized.The new parent unit.The old parent unit.The event is fired whenever a unit is renamed, inserted, removed, or relocated under a different parent unit. The event parameters should be interpreted as follows: <ol><li>When <code>oldParent</code> and <code>newParent</code> are not <code>null,</code> the <code>unit</code> has been moved from <code>oldParent</code> to <code>newParent</code> </li><li>When <code>newParent</code> is <code>null,</code> the <code>unit</code> has been removed from <code>oldParent</code> </li><li>When <code>oldParent</code> is <code>null,</code> the <code>unit</code> has been inserted into <code>newParent</code> </li><li>When <code>oldParent</code> and <code>newParent</code> are both <code>null,</code> the <code>unit</code> has been renamed </li></ol> Fires whenever a model save operation is completed.Indicates whether the save operation ended successfully.The error message in case of a save failure. Fires whenever a unit is erased from the model repository.The Id of the unit that was erased.Indicates whether the unit was erased successfully. Fires whenever a unit is read from the model repository.The Id of the unit that was read.Indicates whether the unit was read successfully. Fires whenever a unit is written to the model repository.The Id of the unit that was written.Indicates whether the unit was written successfully. An enumeration of available kit sections.The available kit sections are listed below: <table class="VERT"><tr><td class="H V">* </td><td class=H>All kit definitions </td></tr><tr><td class=V>BOARDS </td><td>Kit boards </td></tr><tr><td class=V>CHANNELS </td><td>Kit channels </td></tr><tr><td class=V>CLASSES </td><td>Kit classes, prototypes, and aspects </td></tr><tr><td class=V>COMMANDS </td><td>Kit commands </td></tr><tr><td class=V>EDITORS </td><td>Kit editor panels </td></tr><tr><td class=V>ENUMERATIONS </td><td>Kit enumerations </td></tr><tr><td class=V>FILETYPES </td><td>Kit file types </td></tr><tr><td class=V>HELPERS </td><td>Kit helpers </td></tr><tr><td class=V>HOTKEYS </td><td>Kit hotkeys </td></tr><tr><td class=V>LISTENERS </td><td>Kit event listeners </td></tr><tr><td class=V>MENUBARS </td><td>Kit menubars and toolbars </td></tr><tr><td class=V>RULES </td><td>Kit rules </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SKINS </td><td>Kit skins </td></tr><tr><td class=V>TASKPANELS </td><td>Kit task groups and task panels </td></tr><tr><td class=V>TRANSACTIONS </td><td>Kit transaction types </td></tr><tr><td class=V>VARIABLES </td><td>Kit variables </td></tr></table>