<@doc hierarchy="GMLDOM"> Class for SC Properties object (c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. class ModelReferences implement env:IChannelObject; <@doc>Gets the hosting model property _host = ^dev:Location; <@doc>Gets the nested models - Array of impl location property _nested = []; property _objectType = "com.sap.visualcomposer.channelObjects.ModelReferences"; property _gsObjectType = "dev:ModelReferences"; <@doc> Creates a new Model Refs object constructor(hst,nstd) this._host = hst; this._nested = nstd; this._nested['_objectType']="com.sap.visualcomposer.channelObjects.Location"; end method setHost(hst) this._host = hst; end method getHost() return this._host; end method setNested(nstd) this._nested = nstd; end method getNested() return this._nested; end method hasChildren() return (this._nested!=null && this_nested.length>0); end