<@doc> Holds a context for the Dynamic Expression engine. (c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLASS DEFINITION class DynExpContext inherit gml:Object; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PROPERTIES // public properties <@doc>The title of the editor dialog readonly property title = '#TEXT[XTIT_DE_EDITOR]'; <@doc>The description of the editor dialog readonly property description = '#TEXT[XMSG_EDIT_DE]'; <@doc>The context IInfoset Enumeration readonly property infosetEnum = null; <@doc>The context Infoset readonly property infoset = null; <@doc>The field in the contexto readonly property field = ''; <@doc>Indicates the expected type of the value calculated by the expression readonly property exprType = null; <@doc>The previous expression text readonly property exprText = ''; <@doc>The context containig element readonly property element = null; <@doc>The property that contains the expression readonly property propName = ''; <@doc>Optional property translation type readonly property transType = ''; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PUBLIC METHODS <@doc scope="public"> Sets the title of the editor dialog The title of the editor dialog method setTitle(title) if((null != title) && (''!= title)) { this.title= title; } end <@doc scope="public"> Sets the description of the editor dialog The description of the editor dialog method setDescription(description) this.description= description; end <@doc scope="public"> Sets the context Infoset Emumeration The context Infoset Emumeration Returns true when the object is a infoset enumeration method setInfosetEnum(infosetEnum) if(ISA(infosetEnum, 'dev:IInfosetEnumerator')) { this.infosetEnum = infosetEnum; return true; } return false; end <@doc scope="public"> Sets the Infoset The context Infoset Returns true when all parameters are valid method setInfoset(infoset) if(ISA(infoset, 'dev:IInfoset')) { this.infoset = infoset; return true; } return false; end <@doc scope="public"> Sets the field The context field method setField(field) if(ISA(field, 'dev:IField')) { this.field = field; return true; } return false; end <@doc scope="public"> Sets the expression type The expression type Returns true when type is valid method setExprType(exprType) // Check type validity: if('String'==exprType || 'Number'==exprType || 'Boolean'==exprType || 'Date'==exprType || 'Time'==exprType || 'Quantity'==exprType) { this.exprType= exprType; return true; } return false; end <@doc scope="public"> Sets the property name and the translation type for the property that holds the expression. A GML element that contains the property The propertyName The type (XTIT,XBTN...) method setTranslation(element, propName, transType) this.element = element; this.propName = propName; this.transType = transType; end <@doc scope="public"> Sets the context The context Infoset enumeration The context infoset The context field Returns true when all parameters are valid method setContext(infosetEnum, infoset, field) if(infosetEnum) { if(false == this.setInfosetEnum(infosetEnum)) { return false; } } if(infoset) { if(false == this.setInfoset(infoset)) { return false; } } if(field) { if(false == this.setField(field)) { return false; } } return true; end <@doc scope="public"> Sets the previous expression text The previous expression text //TODO:: Check if necessary method setPrevExprTxt(exprText) this.exprText= exprText; end