<@program name="NewSCDlg" exec="STUDIO" mode="MODAL"> The Create New SC popup window is used for creating new SCs - active only for shared workspace. IN: the repository id in which the new DC will be created. must be UW_RK IN: the repository name (for display purposes) Returns ~true iff a DC was actually created (c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. #INCLUDE[gml:defs.inc] #USING[lib:Global.js] #USING[lib:Xml.js] #USING[dev:urn.UrnUtils.js] #USING[lib:Box.htc] #USING[lib:Button.htc] #USING[lib:Choice.htc] #USING[lib:Dialog.htc] #USING[lib:Input.htc] #USING[lib:Splitter.htc] #INCLUDE[env:global_hotkeys.inc] #TEXT[XBUT_OK] #TEXT[XBUT_CANCEL]