(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. Implements the Visual Composer's Storyboard as well a large collection of ready-to-use design tools such as unit editors, layout designers, task panels, dialog boxes, and other useful design-time components. The Visual Composer <i>About</i> dialog box, used for displaying version and copyright information. The <i>Activation</i> monitoring panel. The <i>AddToDTR</i> dialog box, is used for receiving parameters for the add to DTR operation. The <i>AddToDTR</i> dialog box, is used for receiving parameters for the add to DTR operation. The <i>Alias Manager</i> is used for configuring the systems alias. Indicates whether this service can be tested for actual data. The <i>Checkout</i> dialog box, is used for receiving parameters necessary for the checkout operation. The <i>Configure Model</i> wizard, used for editing the kit configuration of the current model. The <i>Confirmation</i> dialog box, used for displaying messages and receiving confirmations from the user. The <i>Ask</i> dialog box, used for displaying messages and receiving confirmations from the user, It has a never show check box that will update the global parameter if to show this dlg again. Implements an output console that can be used for printing messages for debugging and progress reporting purposes (<code>$CTL.console)</code> An invisible module that works behind the scenes to control and coordinate all the other Storyboard modules (<code>$CTL)</code> The <i>Customize</i> dialog box, used for customizing the various Storyboard toolbars and menubars. gets the right provider for the data level in dynamic expression tree. determines if FORMAT macro is translatable, then the text is replaced by key. for freestyle is false. A tree provider class for the general functions in the dynamic expression editor tree. A tree provider class for the recently used functions in the dynamic expression editor tree. Implements detailed view of object in the model. The <i>Search Panel</i> panel. A general tree provider class for the dynamic expression editor creates the tree by using different providers, which are determined by rule: general DE functions provider general recently used functions provider general data of current infoshapes (for gml) provider general data of current infoshapes (for gml2) provider any custom provider (rule extensions). The <i>Documentation Generator</i> wizard, used for generating complete model documentation in HTML format. Holds a context for the Dynamic Expression engine. The <i>dynamic expression editor</i> dialog box. Implements a predictive parser for dynamic expressions. The <i>HTML editor</i> dialog box, used for WYSIWYG editing of HTML text. The <i>Fields Editor</i> Dialog. The <i>text editor</i> dialog box, used for editing plain text. The <i>urn editor</i> dialog box, used for entering different types of urns. The <i>Confirmation</i> dialog box, used for displaying messages and receiving confirmations from the user. The <i>evaluate</i> dialog box, used for evaluating objects values. The <i>Explore Model</i> task panel. The <i>Export Model</i> Export VC model. The <i>Export Model</i> Export VC model. A tree provider class that can be used for navigating through a folders/models hierarchy. Returns array of required data providers. The <i>Visual Composer Online Help</i> task panel. An abstract class for Actions. A marker interface which should be implemented by controls that can be associated to actions. An interface for marking aspects that can be used as Storyboard boards. A classifier interface for marking infoshapes that are structurally clustered. Must be implemented by classes that support Dynamic Expressions. An abstract class for fields. An abstract class for flat fields. This is just a marker class. A classifier interface for marking infoshapes that are structurally flat. Represents the runtime instance of an infoshape. Enumerator of infosets. An abstract class for infoshapes. The <i>Import Model</i> dialog box, used for importing VC model. The <i>Import Model</i> dialog box, used for importing VC model. The <i>Search</i> dialog box, used for searching for text. An abstract class for supporting propert bag concept. An abstract class for structured fields. Class for location object. Implements the top-level menubar (<code>$MAINMENU)</code> Implements the top-level toolbar (<code>$MAINTBAR)</code> The <i>Models Manager</i> dialog box, used for managing a models library. The <i>Models Manager</i> dialog box, used for managing a models library. The <i>Model browser</i> task panel. The <i>urn editor</i> dialog box, used for entering different types of urns. The <i>Create New DC</i> popup window is used for creating new DCs to store VC models. The <i>Create New Model</i> wizard, used for creating a new model based on a selected kit and set of kit features. The <i>Create New Model</i> wizard, used for creating a new model based on a selected component type. Base class for manage models dialog nodes. The <i>Open Model</i> dialog box, used for selecting and opening an existing model. The <i>Visual Composer Options</i> dialog. The <i>Visual Composer Options</i> task panel. The <i>Search Panel</i> panel. A helper window for displaying a progress bar. The <i>Properties Editor</i> task panel. The <i>Script Syntax Error</i> dialog box, used for debugging of .js or .gs script syntax errors. Class provides some methods to retrieve the metadata of BusinessObjects. The <i>Search Units</i> task panel. The <i>Select Model</i> dialog box, used for selecting a model/folder on a given server. The <i>Fields Editor</i> Dialog. The <i>Select Model</i> dialog box, used for selecting a model/folder on a given server. used to pop up login page after session expires and automatically calose itself, allowing the user to continue with his work. The <i>Show Details</i> dialog box, is used for displaying details regarding DCs. The <i>SourceViewerText</i> dialog box, is used for searching for text inside the source viewer. A helper window for displaying a progress bar. The <i>getting started</i> task panel. Represents an instance of the Storyboard. The <i>Open Model</i> dialog box, used for selecting and opening an existing model. Implements the task menubar for selecting the active task panel (<code>$TSKMENU)</code> Implements a taskpanel container for hosting and executing task panels (<code>$TSK)</code> Class provides some help methods for the test service functions. The <i>Search Panel</i> panel. A helper window for entering and editing text. Implements the top-level title block (<code>$TTL)</code> Implements browse panel. The <i>Browse Panel</i> panel. Implements detailed view of object in the model. The <i>Search Panel</i> panel. The <i>Usages</i> dialog box, used for showing all usages of the current unit. Implements the workspace area where multiple boards and windows can be opened and managed by the user (<code>$WIN)</code> The <i>XML viewer</i> dialog box, used for viewing a given XML object.