%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" errorPage="showError.jsp" import="com.sap.lcr.webui.*"%>
<%= UIElements.createHead(request,response) %>
SLD Check
This page checks whether the AS Java system is correctly configured for use with the System Landscape Directory (SLD). For more information, please refer to the SLD User Manual.
Configuration: <% if(sldcheck.isDataSupplierConfigured()) {%> OK <% } else { %> Not OK <% } %>
<% if(sldcheck.isDataSupplierConfigured()) {%>This AS Java system reports its data to the SLD at <%= Tool.quoteHTML(sldcheck.getDataSupplierURL()) %>
<% } else { %>Configure your SLD in the Destinations service as a HTTP Destination with name <%= SLDCheck.DESTINATION_NAME_DATASUPPLIER %>
<% } %>Status: <%= Tool.quoteHTML(sldcheck.getDataSupplierStatus()) %>
Configuration: <% if(sldcheck.isClientConfigured()) {%> OK <% } else { %> Not OK <% } %>
<% if(sldcheck.isClientConfigured()) {%>Applications on this AS Java system use the SLD at <%= Tool.quoteHTML(sldcheck.getClientURL())%>
<% } else { %> Configure your SLD in the Destinations service as a HTTP Destination with name <%= SLDCheck.DESTINATION_NAME_CLIENT %> <% } %>Status: <%= Tool.quoteHTML(sldcheck.getClientStatus()) %>