// CONSTRUCTOR for the CalendarPopup Object function CalendarPopup() { var c; if (arguments.length>0) { c = new PopupWindow(arguments[0]); } else { c = new PopupWindow(); c.setSize(150,175); } c.offsetX = -152; c.offsetY = 25; c.autoHide(); // Calendar-specific properties c.monthNames = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"); c.monthAbbreviations = new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); c.dayHeaders = new Array("S","M","T","W","T","F","S"); c.returnFunction = "CalendarPopup_tmpReturnFunction"; c.returnMonthFunction = "CalendarPopup_tmpReturnMonthFunction"; c.returnQuarterFunction = "CalendarPopup_tmpReturnQuarterFunction"; c.returnYearFunction = "CalendarPopup_tmpReturnYearFunction"; c.weekStartDay = 0; c.isShowYearNavigation = false; c.displayType = "date"; c.disabledWeekDays = new Object(); c.yearSelectStartOffset = 2; c.currentDate = null; c.todayText="Today"; window.CalendarPopup_targetInput = null; window.CalendarPopup_dateFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy"; // Method mappings c.setReturnFunction = CalendarPopup_setReturnFunction; c.setReturnMonthFunction = CalendarPopup_setReturnMonthFunction; c.setReturnQuarterFunction = CalendarPopup_setReturnQuarterFunction; c.setReturnYearFunction = CalendarPopup_setReturnYearFunction; c.setMonthNames = CalendarPopup_setMonthNames; c.setMonthAbbreviations = CalendarPopup_setMonthAbbreviations; c.setDayHeaders = CalendarPopup_setDayHeaders; c.setWeekStartDay = CalendarPopup_setWeekStartDay; c.setDisplayType = CalendarPopup_setDisplayType; c.setDisabledWeekDays = CalendarPopup_setDisabledWeekDays; c.setYearSelectStartOffset = CalendarPopup_setYearSelectStartOffset; c.setTodayText = CalendarPopup_setTodayText; c.showYearNavigation = CalendarPopup_showYearNavigation; c.showCalendar = CalendarPopup_showCalendar; c.hideCalendar = CalendarPopup_hideCalendar; c.getStyles = CalendarPopup_getStyles; c.refreshCalendar = CalendarPopup_refreshCalendar; c.getCalendar = CalendarPopup_getCalendar; c.select = CalendarPopup_select; // Return the object return c; } // Temporary default functions to be called when items clicked, so no error is thrown function CalendarPopup_tmpReturnFunction(y,m,d) { if (window.CalendarPopup_targetInput!=null) { var d = new Date(y,m-1,d,0,0,0); window.CalendarPopup_targetInput.value = formatDate(d,window.CalendarPopup_dateFormat); } else { alert('Use setReturnFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!'); } } function CalendarPopup_tmpReturnMonthFunction(y,m) { alert('Use setReturnMonthFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y+' , month='+m); } function CalendarPopup_tmpReturnQuarterFunction(y,q) { alert('Use setReturnQuarterFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y+' , quarter='+q); } function CalendarPopup_tmpReturnYearFunction(y) { alert('Use setReturnYearFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y); } // Set the name of the functions to call to get the clicked item function CalendarPopup_setReturnFunction(name) { this.returnFunction = name; } function CalendarPopup_setReturnMonthFunction(name) { this.returnMonthFunction = name; } function CalendarPopup_setReturnQuarterFunction(name) { this.returnQuarterFunction = name; } function CalendarPopup_setReturnYearFunction(name) { this.returnYearFunction = name; } // Over-ride the built-in month names function CalendarPopup_setMonthNames() { for (var i=0; i 0) { window.popupWindowObjects[arguments[0]].hidePopup(); } else { this.hidePopup(); } } // Refresh the contents of the calendar display function CalendarPopup_refreshCalendar(index) { var calObject = window.popupWindowObjects[index]; if (arguments.length>1) { calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar(arguments[1],arguments[2],arguments[3],arguments[4],arguments[5])); } else { calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar()); } calObject.refresh(); } // Populate the calendar and display it function CalendarPopup_showCalendar(anchorname) { this.populate(this.getCalendar()); this.showPopup(anchorname); } // Simple method to interface popup calendar with a text-entry box function CalendarPopup_select(inputobj, linkname, format) { if (!window.getDateFromFormat) { alert("calendar.select: To use this method you must also include 'date.js' for date formatting"); return; } if (this.displayType!="date") { alert("calendar.select: This function can only be used with displayType 'date'"); return; } if (inputobj.type!="text" && inputobj.type!="hidden" && inputobj.type!="textarea") { alert("calendar.select: Input object passed is not a valid form input object"); window.CalendarPopup_targetInput=null; return; } window.CalendarPopup_targetInput = inputobj; if (inputobj.value!="") { var time = getDateFromFormat(inputobj.value,format); if (time==0) { this.currentDate=null; } else { this.currentDate=new Date(time); } } else { this.currentDate=null; } window.CalendarPopup_dateFormat = format; this.showCalendar(linkname); } // Get style block needed to display the calendar correctly function CalendarPopup_getStyles() { var result = ""; result += "\n"; return result; } // Return a string containing all the calendar code to be displayed function CalendarPopup_getCalendar() { var now = new Date(); // Reference to window if (this.type == "WINDOW") { var windowref = "window.opener."; } else { var windowref = ""; } var result = ""; // If POPUP, write entire HTML document if (this.type == "WINDOW") { result += "Calendar"+this.getStyles()+"\n"; result += '
\n'; } else { result += '
\n'; result += '
\n'; result += '
\n'; } // Code for DATE display (default) // ------------------------------- if (this.displayType=="date") { if (this.currentDate==null) { this.currentDate = now; } if (arguments.length > 0) { var month = arguments[0]; } else { var month = this.currentDate.getMonth()+1; } if (arguments.length > 1) { var year = arguments[1]; } else { var year = this.currentDate.getFullYear(); } var daysinmonth= new Array(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); if ( ( (year%4 == 0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400 == 0) ) { daysinmonth[2] = 29; } var current_month = new Date(year,month-1,1); var display_year = year; var display_month = month; var display_date = 1; var weekday= current_month.getDay(); var offset = 0; if (weekday >= this.weekStartDay) { offset = weekday - this.weekStartDay; } else { offset = 7-this.weekStartDay+weekday; } if (offset > 0) { display_month--; if (display_month < 1) { display_month = 12; display_year--; } display_date = daysinmonth[display_month]-offset+1; } var next_month = month+1; var next_month_year = year; if (next_month > 12) { next_month=1; next_month_year++; } var last_month = month-1; var last_month_year = year; if (last_month < 1) { last_month=12; last_month_year--; } var date_class; if (this.type!="WINDOW") { result += '\n'; } result += '\n'; var refresh = 'javascript:'+windowref+'CalendarPopup_refreshCalendar'; if (this.isShowYearNavigation) { var td = ''; result += td + ' WIDTH=58>'+this.monthNames[month-1]+''; result += td + ' WIDTH=10>>'; result += td + ' WIDTH=10> '; result += td + ' WIDTH=10><'; result += td + ' WIDTH=36>'+year+''; result += td + ' WIDTH=10>>'; } else { result += ' \n'; result += ' \n'; result += ' \n'; } result += '
<<<'+this.monthNames[month-1]+' '+year+'>>
\n'; result += '\n'; result += '\n'; var td = ' \n'; } result += '\n'; result += '\n'; for (var row=1; row<=6; row++) { result += '\n'; for (var col=1; col<=7; col++) { if (display_month == month) { date_class = "calthismonth"; } else { date_class = "calothermonth"; } if ((display_month == this.currentDate.getMonth()+1) && (display_date==this.currentDate.getDate()) && (display_year==this.currentDate.getFullYear())) { td_class="caltoday"; } else { td_class="calmonth"; } if (this.disabledWeekDays[col-1]) { date_class="calnotclickable"; result += ' \n'; } else { result += ' \n'; } display_date++; if (display_date > daysinmonth[display_month]) { display_date=1; display_month++; } if (display_month > 12) { display_month=1; display_year++; } } result += ''; } var current_weekday = now.getDay(); result += '\n'; result += '\n'; result += '
'; for (var j=0; j<7; j++) { result += td+this.dayHeaders[(this.weekStartDay+j)%7]+'
\n'; if (this.disabledWeekDays[current_weekday+1]) { result += ' '+this.todayText+'\n'; } else { result += ' '+this.todayText+'\n'; } result += '
\n'; result += '
\n'; } // Code common for MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR // ------------------------------------ if (this.displayType=="month" || this.displayType=="quarter" || this.displayType=="year") { if (arguments.length > 0) { var year = arguments[0]; } else { if (this.displayType=="year") { var year = now.getFullYear()-this.yearSelectStartOffset; } else { var year = now.getFullYear(); } } if (this.displayType!="year" && this.isShowYearNavigation) { result += '\n'; result += '\n'; result += ' \n'; result += ' \n'; result += ' \n'; result += '
\n'; } } // Code for MONTH display (default) // ------------------------------- if (this.displayType=="month") { // If POPUP, write entire HTML document result += '\n'; for (var i=0; i<4; i++) { result += ''; for (var j=0; j<3; j++) { var monthindex = ((i*3)+j); result += ''; } result += ''; } result += '
\n'; } // Code for QUARTER display (default) // ---------------------------------- if (this.displayType=="quarter") { result += '
\n'; for (var i=0; i<2; i++) { result += ''; for (var j=0; j<2; j++) { var quarter = ((i*2)+j+1); result += ''; } result += ''; } result += '


\n'; } // Code for YEAR display (default) // ------------------------------- if (this.displayType=="year") { var yearColumnSize = 4; result += '\n'; result += '\n'; result += ' \n'; result += ' \n'; result += '
\n'; result += '\n'; for (var i=0; i'+currentyear+''; } result += ''; } result += '
\n'; } // Common if (this.type == "WINDOW") { result += "\n"; } return result; } // ************************************************************************* // Anchor Position.js // getAnchorPosition(anchorname) // This function returns an object having .x and .y properties which are the coordinates // of the named anchor, relative to the page. function getAnchorPosition(anchorname) { // This function will return an Object with x and y properties var useWindow=false; var coordinates=new Object(); var x=0,y=0; // Browser capability sniffing var use_gebi=false, use_css=false, use_layers=false; if (document.getElementById) { use_gebi=true; } else if (document.all) { use_css=true; } else if (document.layers) { use_layers=true; } // Logic to find position if (use_gebi && document.all) { x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]); y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(document.all[anchorname]); } else if (use_gebi) { var o=document.getElementById(anchorname); x=o.offsetLeft; y=o.offsetTop; } else if (use_css) { x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]); y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(document.all[anchorname]); } else if (use_layers) { var found=0; for (var i=0; i9?"":"0")+x} // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // isDate ( date_string, format_string ) // Returns true if date string matches format of format string and // is a valid date. Else returns false. // It is recommended that you trim whitespace around the value before // passing it to this function, as whitespace is NOT ignored! // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function isDate(val,format) { var date=getDateFromFormat(val,format); if (date==0) { return false; } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // compareDates(date1,date1format,date2,date2format) // Compare two date strings to see which is greater. // Returns: // 1 if date1 is greater than date2 // 0 if date2 is greater than date1 of if they are the same // -1 if either of the dates is in an invalid format // ------------------------------------------------------------------- function compareDates(date1,dateformat1,date2,dateformat2) { var d1=getDateFromFormat(date1,dateformat1); var d2=getDateFromFormat(date2,dateformat2); if (d1==0 || d2==0) { return -1; } else if (d1 > d2) { return 1; } return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // formatDate (date_object, format) // Returns a date in the output format specified. // The format string uses the same abbreviations as in getDateFromFormat() // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function formatDate(date,format) { format=format+""; var result=""; var i_format=0; var c=""; var token=""; var y=date.getYear()+""; var M=date.getMonth()+1; var d=date.getDate(); var H=date.getHours(); var m=date.getMinutes(); var s=date.getSeconds(); var yyyy,yy,MMM,MM,dd,hh,h,mm,ss,ampm,HH,H,KK,K,kk,k; // Convert real date parts into formatted versions var value=new Object(); if (y.length < 4) {y=""+(y-0+1900);} value["y"]=""+y; value["yyyy"]=y; value["yy"]=y.substring(2,4); value["M"]=M; value["MM"]=LZ(M); value["MMM"]=MONTH_NAMES[M-1]; value["d"]=d; value["dd"]=LZ(d); value["H"]=H; value["HH"]=LZ(H); if (H==0){value["h"]=12;} else if (H>12){value["h"]=H-12;} else {value["h"]=H;} value["hh"]=LZ(value["h"]); if (H>11){value["K"]=H-12;} else {value["K"]=H;} value["k"]=H+1; value["KK"]=LZ(value["K"]); value["kk"]=LZ(value["k"]); if (H > 11) { value["a"]="PM"; } else { value["a"]="AM"; } value["m"]=m; value["mm"]=LZ(m); value["s"]=s; value["ss"]=LZ(s); while (i_format < format.length) { c=format.charAt(i_format); token=""; while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) { token += format.charAt(i_format++); } if (value[token] != null) { result=result + value[token]; } else { result=result + token; } } return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Utility functions for parsing in getDateFromFormat() // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function _isInteger(val) { var digits="1234567890"; for (var i=0; i < val.length; i++) { if (digits.indexOf(val.charAt(i))==-1) { return false; } } return true; } function _getInt(str,i,minlength,maxlength) { for (var x=maxlength; x>=minlength; x--) { var token=str.substring(i,i+x); if (token.length < minlength) { return null; } if (_isInteger(token)) { return token; } } return null; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // getDateFromFormat( date_string , format_string ) // // This function takes a date string and a format string. It matches // If the date string matches the format string, it returns the // getTime() of the date. If it does not match, it returns 0. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function getDateFromFormat(val,format) { val=val+""; format=format+""; var i_val=0; var i_format=0; var c=""; var token=""; var token2=""; var x,y; var now=new Date(); var year=now.getYear(); var month=now.getMonth()+1; var date=now.getDate(); var hh=now.getHours(); var mm=now.getMinutes(); var ss=now.getSeconds(); var ampm=""; while (i_format < format.length) { // Get next token from format string c=format.charAt(i_format); token=""; while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) { token += format.charAt(i_format++); } // Extract contents of value based on format token if (token=="yyyy" || token=="yy" || token=="y") { if (token=="yyyy") { x=4;y=4; } if (token=="yy") { x=2;y=2; } if (token=="y") { x=2;y=4; } year=_getInt(val,i_val,x,y); if (year==null) { return 0; } i_val += year.length; if (year.length==2) { if (year > 70) { year=1900+(year-0); } else { year=2000+(year-0); } } } else if (token=="MMM"){ month=0; for (var i=0; i12) { month -= 12; } i_val += month_name.length; break; } } if ((month < 1)||(month>12)){return 0;} } else if (token=="MM"||token=="M") { month=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(month==null||(month<1)||(month>12)){return 0;} i_val+=month.length;} else if (token=="dd"||token=="d") { date=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(date==null||(date<1)||(date>31)){return 0;} i_val+=date.length;} else if (token=="hh"||token=="h") { hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(hh==null||(hh<1)||(hh>12)){return 0;} i_val+=hh.length;} else if (token=="HH"||token=="H") { hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(hh==null||(hh<0)||(hh>23)){return 0;} i_val+=hh.length;} else if (token=="KK"||token=="K") { hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(hh==null||(hh<0)||(hh>11)){return 0;} i_val+=hh.length;} else if (token=="kk"||token=="k") { hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(hh==null||(hh<1)||(hh>24)){return 0;} i_val+=hh.length;hh--;} else if (token=="mm"||token=="m") { mm=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(mm==null||(mm<0)||(mm>59)){return 0;} i_val+=mm.length;} else if (token=="ss"||token=="s") { ss=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); if(ss==null||(ss<0)||(ss>59)){return 0;} i_val+=ss.length;} else if (token=="a") { if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+2).toLowerCase()=="am") {ampm="AM";} else if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+2).toLowerCase()=="pm") {ampm="PM";} else {return 0;} i_val+=2;} else { if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+token.length)!=token) {return 0;} else {i_val+=token.length;} } } // If there are any trailing characters left in the value, it doesn't match if (i_val != val.length) { return 0; } // Is date valid for month? if (month==2) { // Check for leap year if ( ( (year%4==0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400==0) ) { // leap year if (date > 29){ return false; } } else { if (date > 28) { return false; } } } if ((month==4)||(month==6)||(month==9)||(month==11)) { if (date > 30) { return false; } } // Correct hours value if (hh<12 && ampm=="PM") { hh+=12; } else if (hh>11 && ampm=="AM") { hh-=12; } var newdate=new Date(year,month-1,date,hh,mm,ss); return newdate.getTime(); } // ************************************************************************* // PopupWindow.js // Set the position of the popup window based on the anchor function PopupWindow_getXYPosition(anchorname) { var coordinates; if (this.type == "WINDOW") { coordinates = getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname); } else { coordinates = getAnchorPosition(anchorname); } this.x = coordinates.x; this.y = coordinates.y; } // Set width/height of DIV/popup window function PopupWindow_setSize(width,height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; } // Fill the window with contents function PopupWindow_populate(contents) { this.contents = contents; this.populated = false; } // Refresh the displayed contents of the popup function PopupWindow_refresh() { if (this.divName != null) { // refresh the DIV object if (this.use_gebi) { document.getElementById(this.divName).innerHTML = this.contents; } else if (this.use_css) { document.all[this.divName].innerHTML = this.contents; } else if (this.use_layers) { var d = document.layers[this.divName]; d.document.open(); d.document.writeln(this.contents); d.document.close(); } } else { if (this.popupWindow != null && !this.popupWindow.closed) { this.popupWindow.document.open(); this.popupWindow.document.writeln(this.contents); this.popupWindow.document.close(); } } } // Position and show the popup, relative to an anchor object function PopupWindow_showPopup(anchorname) { this.getXYPosition(anchorname); this.x += this.offsetX; this.y += this.offsetY; if (!this.populated && (this.contents != "")) { this.populated = true; this.refresh(); } if (this.divName != null) { // Show the DIV object if (this.use_gebi) { document.getElementById(this.divName).style.left = this.x; document.getElementById(this.divName).style.top = this.y; document.getElementById(this.divName).style.visibility = "visible"; } else if (this.use_css) { document.all[this.divName].style.left = this.x; document.all[this.divName].style.top = this.y; document.all[this.divName].style.visibility = "visible"; } else if (this.use_layers) { document.layers[this.divName].left = this.x; document.layers[this.divName].top = this.y; document.layers[this.divName].visibility = "visible"; } } else { if (this.popupWindow == null || this.popupWindow.closed) { // If the popup window will go off-screen, move it so it doesn't if (screen && screen.availHeight) { if ((this.y + this.height) > screen.availHeight) { this.y = screen.availHeight - this.height; } } if (screen && screen.availWidth) { if ((this.x + this.width) > screen.availWidth) { this.x = screen.availWidth - this.width; } } this.popupWindow = window.open("about:blank","window_"+anchorname,"toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=auto,resizable,alwaysRaised,dependent,titlebar=no,width="+this.width+",height="+this.height+",screenX="+this.x+",left="+this.x+",screenY="+this.y+",top="+this.y+""); } this.refresh(); } } // Hide the popup function PopupWindow_hidePopup() { if (this.divName != null) { if (this.use_gebi) { document.getElementById(this.divName).style.visibility = "hidden"; } else if (this.use_css) { document.all[this.divName].style.visibility = "hidden"; } else if (this.use_layers) { document.layers[this.divName].visibility = "hidden"; } } else { if (this.popupWindow && !this.popupWindow.closed) { this.popupWindow.close(); this.popupWindow = null; } } } // Pass an event and return whether or not it was the popup DIV that was clicked function PopupWindow_isClicked(e) { if (this.divName != null) { if (this.use_layers) { var clickX = e.pageX; var clickY = e.pageY; var t = document.layers[this.divName]; if ((clickX > t.left) && (clickX < t.left+t.clip.width) && (clickY > t.top) && (clickY < t.top+t.clip.height)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else if (document.all) { // Need to hard-code this to trap IE for error-handling var t = window.event.srcElement; while (t.parentElement != null) { if (t.id==this.divName) { return true; } t = t.parentElement; } return false; } else if (this.use_gebi) { var t = e.originalTarget; while (t.parentNode != null) { if (t.id==this.divName) { return true; } t = t.parentNode; } return false; } return false; } return false; } // Check an onMouseDown event to see if we should hide function PopupWindow_hideIfNotClicked(e) { if (this.autoHideEnabled && !this.isClicked(e)) { this.hidePopup(); } } // Call this to make the DIV disable automatically when mouse is clicked outside it function PopupWindow_autoHide() { this.autoHideEnabled = true; } // This global function checks all PopupWindow objects onmouseup to see if they should be hidden function PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows(e) { for (var i=0; i0) { this.type="DIV"; this.divName = arguments[0]; } else { this.type="WINDOW"; } this.use_gebi = false; this.use_css = false; this.use_layers = false; if (document.getElementById) { this.use_gebi = true; } else if (document.all) { this.use_css = true; } else if (document.layers) { this.use_layers = true; } else { this.type = "WINDOW"; } this.offsetX = 0; this.offsetY = 0; // Method mappings this.getXYPosition = PopupWindow_getXYPosition; this.populate = PopupWindow_populate; this.refresh = PopupWindow_refresh; this.showPopup = PopupWindow_showPopup; this.hidePopup = PopupWindow_hidePopup; this.setSize = PopupWindow_setSize; this.isClicked = PopupWindow_isClicked; this.autoHide = PopupWindow_autoHide; this.hideIfNotClicked = PopupWindow_hideIfNotClicked; }