/context/name = Jspm ### see com.sap.sdt.ucp.dialog.DialogFactoryProperties /dialog/directory = config/dialog #/dialog/serverConnection = TestServerConnection #/dialog/serverConnection = UaServerConnection #/dialog/UaServerConnection/port = 6240 #/dialog/UaServerConnection/port = 4240 /dialog/serverConnection = SDTServerConnection /dialog/SDTServerConnection/mode = SDTGui /dialog/SDTServerConnection/port = 50017 /dialog/SDTServerConnection/timeout=10000 /dialog/SDTServerConnection/SDTGui/launch = false /dialog/SDTServerConnection/SDTGui/config = jspm /dialog/recordNameSpace = J2EEInputRecording /dialog/recording = off /dialog/autoCreateVariables = on # ********** CHOOSE WHICH TYPE YOU WANT TO RUN ********* /pcecontrol/phaselistfile = phaselist_jspm-srv.xml /pcecontrol/recorderfile = lupphaselist.rec /pcecontrol/logfile = lupphaselist.log /pcecontrol/breakfile = lupphaselist.brk /pcecontrol/suppressDialogs = true ### see com.sap.sdt.ucp.var.VariableFactoryProperties /varhandler/directory = data/variables /varhandler/checkSum = false ### JSPM steps recording file and evaluation details /jspm/recorderfile = jspmstep.rec /jspm/evaldetails = true ### time in seconds JSPM wil wait the system to start/stop /jspm/systemStartTimeout = 7200 ### engine start timeout in seconds for Deploy Controller /jspm/deployTimeout = 7200 ### workflow strategy for Deploy Controller: normal, safety, safetyIfOffline (default), safetyIfOfflineOrNW #/jspm/deployWorkflowStrategy = safetyIfOffline ### flags what part of content checks will be skipped /jspm/check/skipCvl = false /jspm/check/skipDcDependencies = false ### use trusted connection with sapcontrol, no password for local instances /jspm/useTrustedConnection = true ### allow updating single SAP components to higher SP-level without a stack /jspm/singleSupportPackages = true /jspm/read/processSCsWithFEModel = true /jspm/read/importSCsWithFEModel = true ### Service start timeout in seconds /jspm/servicesStartTimeout = 300 ### Defines the rule for selection of successors of modified components on TEST/PROD systems. ### On DEV/CONS and non-NWDI systems always BACK_TO_STANDARD is used. ### BACK_TO_STANDARD - Select original (unmodified) component version, a.k.a. back to SAP standard. ### SELECT_SUCCESSORS - Select valid successor for each modified component. Abort if successor is not available. ### SELECT_AVAILABLE_SUCCESSORS - Select valid successor if available. Select original component version, if no successor available. # /jspm/modifiedComponentsRule = SELECT_SUCCESSORS ### if set to true JSPM will check whether stack xml file contains all components describing usage type definitions /jspm/strongCheckUTDefs = false