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>>Process Steps >>Deployments >>Restarts
- System
DB System Oracle OS Version 6.1
DB Version Host epprda
- JSPM Params
Patches included in stack false
- Patch Times
Start Date 2013/10/13 03:29:22 End Date 2013/10/13 05:52:43
Downtime 2:19:09 JSPM Runtime 2:19:11
- Component Versions
Main Component Source Destination
Release SP, Patch Release SP, Patch
sap.com/JSPM 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BC-FES-IGS 7.20 2.0 7.20 5.0
sap.com/SAPJVM 6.01 46.0 6.01 53.0
sap.com/SAPHOSTAGENT 7.20 137.0 7.20 154.0
sap.com/AJAX-RUNTIME 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BASETABLES 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BI-BASE-B 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BI-BASE-E 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BI-BASE-S 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BI-IBC 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BI-REPPLAN 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BI-WDALV 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BI-WDEXT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BI_UDI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BIWEBAPP 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BPEM-BASE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BPEM-BASIS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BPEM-BUILDT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BPEM-COLLAB 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BPEM-CONTENT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BPEM-CORE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BPEM-CUUI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BPEM-FACADE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BPEM-HIM 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BPEM-MM 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BPEM-MON 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BPEM-PP 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BPEM-WDUI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BRMS-BASE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BRMS-BUILDT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BRMS-CORE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BRMS-FACADE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BRMS-MON 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/BRMS-WDUI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/CAF 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/CAF-MF 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/CAF-UI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/CFG_ZA 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/CFG_ZA_CE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/COLLAB-ADP 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/COMP_BUILDT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/CORE-TOOLS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/CU-BASE-JAVA 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/CU-BASE-WD 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/CU-BASE-WD-EXT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/CU-WD4VC-ADPT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/DATA-MAPPING 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/DI_CBS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/DI_CLIENTS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/DI_CMS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/DI_DTR 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/DI_NTY 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/ECM-ADMIN 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/ECM-APPS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/ECM-CORE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/ECM-JEE-COMP 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/ECM-STORE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/ENGFACADE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/ENGINEAPI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/EP-ADMIN 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/EP-APPS-EXT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/EP-BASIS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/EP-BASIS-API 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/EP-CONNECTIVITY 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/EP-CONNECTIVITY-EXT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/EP-MODELING 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/EP-RUNTIME 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/EP-WPC 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/EP_BUILDT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/ESCONF_BUILDT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/ESI-UI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/ESMP_BUILDT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/ESP_FRAMEWORK 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.1
sap.com/ESREG-BASIC 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/ESREG-SERVICES 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/FORUMS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/FP-INFRA 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/FRAMEWORK 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/FRAMEWORK-EXT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/GROUPWARE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/J2EE-APPS 7.31 5.3 7.31 8.0
sap.com/J2EE-FRMW 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/JWF 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/KM-KW_JIKS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/KMC-BC 7.31 5.4 7.31 8.0
sap.com/KMC-CM 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/KMC-COLL 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/KMC-UI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/KMC-WIKI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/KMC-WPC 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LM-CORE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LM-CTS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LM-CTS-UI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LM-MODEL-BASE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LM-MODEL-NW 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LM-PORTAL 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LM-SLD 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LM-TOOLS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LMCFG 7.31 5.2 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LMCTC 7.31 5.2 7.31 8.1
sap.com/LMNWABASICAPPS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LMNWABASICCOMP 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LMNWABASICMBEAN 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LMNWACDP 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LMNWATOOLS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/LMNWAUIFRMRK 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/MESSAGING 7.31 5.12 7.31 8.0
sap.com/MMR_SERVER 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/MOIN_BUILDT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/NET-PDK 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/NWTEC 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/ODATA-CXF-EXT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/RTC 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/RTC-STREAM 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/SAP_BUILDT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/SAP_XIESR 7.31 5.9 7.31 8.0
sap.com/SAP_XIGUILIB 7.31 5.2 7.31 8.0
sap.com/SEA-CORE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/SEA-FACADE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/SEA-UI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/SECURITY-EXT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/SERVERCORE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/SERVICE-COMP 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/SOAMONBASIC 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/SR-UI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/SUPPORTTOOLS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/SWLIFECYCL 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/THL-CORE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/TM-WLUI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/UDDI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.1
sap.com/UISAPUI5_JAVA 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/UKMS_JAVA 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/UMEADMIN 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/UWLJWF 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/VC70RUNTIME 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/VCBASE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/VCCORERT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/VCFRAMEWORK 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/VCFREESTYLEKIT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/VCKITBI 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/VTP_BUILDT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/WD-ADOBE 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/WD-APPS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/WD-FLEX 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/WD-RUNTIME 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/WD-RUNTIME-EXT 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/WDEXTENSIONS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/WSRM 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
sap.com/XI_CNT_SAP_BASIS 7.31 5.0 7.31 8.0
- Start (displays only items with runtime higher than 30s or with dialogs) or with aborted steps
Step Runtime Runs Aborts
BLSetup 0:01:10 1 0
- Process (displays only items with runtime higher than 30s) or with aborted steps
Step Runtime Runs Aborts
deployQueue 2:19:09 2 0
- Deployments (displays only items with runtime higher than 30s) or with aborted components
Component Runtime Runs per DC Aborts
sap.com/EP-ADMIN 0:07:35 77
sap.com/KMC-COLL 0:06:37 20
sap.com/EP-RUNTIME 0:25:12 295
sap.com/J2EE-APPS 0:00:41 31
sap.com/SECURITY-EXT 0:00:47 8
sap.com/BIWEBAPP 0:03:35 79
sap.com/EP-BASIS 0:07:17 57
tc~dtr~dbschema 0:00:31 1
sap.com/MESSAGING 0:00:52 43
sap.com/KMC-BC 0:01:16 22
sap.com/EP-APPS-EXT 0:02:19 60
sap.com/ESREG-SERVICES 0:00:39 17
sap.com/BI-IBC 0:00:37 9
sap.com/JWF 0:04:00 16
sap.com/KMC-WPC 0:01:44 20
sap.com/EP-WPC 0:08:00 20
sap.com/UDDI 0:00:35 8
sap.com/BASETABLES 0:01:01 14
sap.com/SAP_XIESR 0:04:43 7
sap.com/KMC-CM 0:08:26 53
sap.com/FRAMEWORK-EXT 0:00:40 4
sap.com/KMC-WIKI 0:01:49 2
tc~wd~ext01~facade~xss 0:02:06 1
product~lm-model-nw 0:00:43 1
sap.com/FORUMS 0:01:28 2
sap.com/KMC-UI 0:01:04 6
tc~bcf~ws~ear 0:00:41 1
tc~lm~ctc~ccl~rep~hist~ddic 0:00:55 1
tc~SL~CMS~PCS 0:01:16 1
sap.com/DI_CBS 0:00:30 5
sap.com/UWLJWF 0:00:59 11
tc~ui~lightspeed 0:01:05 1
tc~di~cts~config~service~appl 0:00:54 1
tc~bpem~pp~content 0:05:34 1
tc~bpem~content~predefs~default 0:00:34 1
tc~SL~CMS~PCS~DBSchema 0:00:36 1
tc~wd~dispwda 0:02:26 1
tc~slm~slmapp 0:00:42 1
- System Restarts (displays only items with runtime higher than 30s)
System starts/shutdowns/restarts Runtime Runs
System shutdown has been initiated by JSPM 0:01:36 1
System start has been initiated by JSPM 0:13:17 1