<%! struct icm_http_subhdl { boolean active; string name; int type; int flags; int param_idx; string param_prefix; string url_prefix; }; struct icm_log_info_type { boolean active; string file; string format; int maxsize; int switcht; char wrap; int fsize; int lcount; }; struct icm_log_entry { string val[]; }; struct icm_http_subhdl icm_subhdl_tab[]; struct icm_log_entry icm_log_tab[]; %> <% int count, rc; int i, line_no, size, options; int line_count = 0; string browser; string is_checked, tabsel, hdlsel, formfld, filter; boolean is_admin; boolean show_lineno; int nr; struct icm_log_info_type icm_log_info; string tab_hdlsel[]; string tab_header[2]; string tab_content[2]; string tab_tabsel[2]; string ltab[]; tab_header[0] = "Settings"; tab_header[1] = "Logfile Contents"; tab_tabsel[0] = "tab0"; tab_tabsel[1] = "tab1"; count = __icm_http_hdl (2,icm_subhdl_tab,5); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { tab_hdlsel[i] = ""; } is_admin = __icm_get_system_property ("is_admin"); browser = __icm_get_browser_type(); show_lineno = __icm_get_form_field ("slineno"); filter = filterenc(urldec(__icm_get_form_field ("filter"))); hdlsel = anumenc(__icm_get_form_field ("hdlsel")); if (hdlsel != "") tab_hdlsel[hdlsel] = "selected"; tabsel = anumenc(__icm_get_form_field ("tabsel")); if (tabsel == "") tabsel = "tab0"; %> Logfile
<% if (show_lineno == 0) { %>
Show line numbers
<% } else { %>
Hide line numbers
<% } %>
Close Menu
Deactivate Handler

Close Menu
Activate Handler

Close Menu
HTTP Logfile Monitor for   Refresh

<% for (nr = 0; nr < 2; nr++) { %> <% } %>
class="sapTbsTabSel"> <%=tab_header[nr]%> <% } else { %> class="sapTbsTab"> <%=tab_header[nr]%> <% } %>
<% if (tabsel == "tab0") { rc = __icm_log_hdl (1, hdlsel, icm_log_info); if (rc == -1) { %>
No information available
<% } else { %>
Settings for HTTP Log
Log Handler Status <% if (icm_log_info.active) { if (is_admin) { __output("active"); __output("\"\""); } else { __output("active"); } __output(" \"\""); } else { if (is_admin) { __output("inactive"); __output("\"\""); } else { __output("inactive"); } __output(" \"\""); } %>  
Logfile name <%= icm_log_info.file%>  
Logfile format <%= icm_log_info.format%>  
Switchtype <%= icm_log_info.switcht%>  
Maximum size (kbytes) <%= icm_log_info.maxsize%>  
Filewrap <%= icm_log_info.wrap%>  
Number of bytes in Logfile <%= icm_log_info.fsize%>  
Number of lines in Logfile <%= icm_log_info.lcount%>  
<% } } else { formfld = __icm_get_form_field ("line_no"); if (formfld == "") line_no = 0; else line_no = formfld; formfld = __icm_get_form_field ("page_op"); if (formfld == "outleft") line_no = 0; else if (formfld == "left") line_no -= 500; if (line_no < 0) line_no = 0; else if (formfld == "right") line_no += 500; else if (formfld == "outright") line_no = -500; rc = __icm_log_hdl (1, hdlsel, icm_log_info); if (rc == -1) { %>
No information available
<% } else { rc = __icm_log_hdl (2, hdlsel); if (show_lineno) options = 4; else options = 0; line_count = __icm_get_log_lines (line_no, icm_log_info.file, filter, ltab, size, options); %>
<% if (is_admin) { %> HTTP Log
<% } else __output ("Security Log"); %>   (<%=size%>bytes)
Line: Filter:
<% for (i = 0; i < line_count; i++) { __output(ltab[i],"
"); } %>
HTTP Log Line:
<% } } %>