May 6, 2013 5:02:21 AM [Thread[Connector,5,main]] Warning [MAIJobMgr.schedule] Metric configuration has not been performed. Collection scheduling is skipped until the Technical Monitoring setup has been performed successfully (with solman_setup transaction). May 6, 2013 7:29:24 AM [Thread[Thread-529,5,main]] Warning [MAIJobMgr.schedule] Metric configuration has not been performed. Collection scheduling is skipped until the Technical Monitoring setup has been performed successfully (with solman_setup transaction). May 22, 2013 10:20:57 AM [Thread[Thread-611,5,main]] Warning [MAIJobMgr.schedule] Metric configuration has not been performed. Collection scheduling is skipped until the Technical Monitoring setup has been performed successfully (with solman_setup transaction). May 22, 2013 6:20:44 PM [Thread[Thread-681,5,main]] Warning [MAIJobMgr.schedule] Metric configuration has not been performed. Collection scheduling is skipped until the Technical Monitoring setup has been performed successfully (with solman_setup transaction). May 22, 2013 6:35:53 PM [Thread[Thread-726,5,main]] Warning [MAIJobMgr.schedule] Metric configuration has not been performed. Collection scheduling is skipped until the Technical Monitoring setup has been performed successfully (with solman_setup transaction). May 22, 2013 8:31:27 PM [Thread[Thread-852,5,main]] Warning [MAIJobMgr.schedule] Metric configuration has not been performed. Collection scheduling is skipped until the Technical Monitoring setup has been performed successfully (with solman_setup transaction). May 23, 2013 5:15:01 PM [Thread[Thread-936,5,main]] Warning [MAIJobMgr.schedule] Metric configuration has not been performed. Collection scheduling is skipped until the Technical Monitoring setup has been performed successfully (with solman_setup transaction). May 27, 2013 2:32:02 PM [Thread[ExRun:default_1,5,default:ExecTG]] Warning [MAIJobMgr.schedule] Metric configuration has not been performed. Collection scheduling is skipped until the Technical Monitoring setup has been performed successfully (with solman_setup transaction).