$ @(#)44 1.2 src/tcpip/usr/samples/tcpip/onhost/onhost.msg, tcpip_samples, tcpip720 8/14/90 16:32:36 $ IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG $ This is an automatically generated prolog. $ $ tcpip720 src/tcpip/usr/samples/tcpip/onhost/onhost.msg 1.2 $ $ Licensed Materials - Property of IBM $ $ COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989,1991 $ All Rights Reserved $ $ US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or $ disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. $ $ IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG $ static char sccsid[] = "src/tcpip/usr/samples/tcpip/onhost/onhost.msg, tcpip_samples, tcpip720 8/14/90 16:32:36"; $ $ COMPONENT_NAME: TCPIP onhost.msg $ $ ORIGINS: 27 $ $ (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989 $ All Rights Reserved $ Licensed Materials - Property of IBM $ $ US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or $ disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. $ $ NOTICE TO USERS OF THE SOURCE CODE EXAMPLES $ $ INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THE SOURCE CODE $ EXAMPLES, BOTH INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ONE OR MORE GROUPS, "AS IS" WITHOUT $ WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT $ LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A $ PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE $ OF THE SOURCE CODE EXAMPLES, BOTH INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ONE OR MORE GROUPS, $ IS WITH YOU. SHOULD ANY PART OF THE SOURCE CODE EXAMPLES PROVE $ DEFECTIVE, YOU (AND NOT IBM OR AN AUTHORIZED RISC System/6000* WORKSTATION $ DEALER) ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR $ CORRECTION. $ $ RISC System/6000 is a trademark of International Business Machines $ Corporation. $ $ $ messages for onhost $ $quote " $ Messages used in onhost $set ONHOST_ERR OH_EMUL_WAIT "hostconnect is waiting for a full-screen emulator\n to call host %s port %s as an IBM-3278-2 emulator\n" OH_EXECLP_FAIL "execlp failed for full-screen emulator " OH_FULL_SCREEN "(Press enter for full-screen or enter a host line.)\n" OH_CURR_ALIAS "current alias is %s\n" OH_NO_ALIAS "no current alias\n" OH_BAD_OPTION "unrecognized option: %c\n" OH_CANT_DEBUG "can not open onhost.debug\n" OH_NOT_CONN "The host with alias %s is probably not connected.\n" OH_ENTER_CMD "Enter hostconnect -a %s%s to make a connection\n or retry onhost with the alias of an active connection.\n" OH_ACTIVE_ALIAS "(ls hostcon.* in your home directory to find an active alias.)\n" OH_BACKGROUND "\nHostconnect should be running as a background process at %s.\n\tIf it is not, remove hostcon.%s from your home directory and try again.\n\tOtherwise you can kill hostconnect (do not use kill -9) and try again.\n" OH_HELP1 "(%s) usage: " OH_HELP2 "%s [-?abcd[n]lnpqst] [alias] [command]\n" OH_HELP3 "where \ta \t= use alias if present or display current alias\n" OH_HELP4 "\tb \t= bury all host output\n" OH_HELP5 "\tc \t= continue after one onhost command until input end of file\n\t\t\tor interrupt (see note 1) ends onhost\n" OH_HELP6 "\td, d0 \t= debug output to stddbg\n" OH_HELP7 "\td1 \t= debug output to onhost.debug\n" OH_HELP8 "\tl \t= loud display of all host output\n" OH_HELP9 "\tn \t= normal line for host, no special treatment (see note 2)\n" OH_HELP10 "\tp \t= prompt for host input - prompt will show\n\t\t>> for onhost command, > for normal line\n\t\tif no prompt appears, a line can be forced (see note 1)\n" OH_HELP11 "\tq \t= quiet host input prompt\n" OH_HELP12 "\ts \t= show host return code\n" OH_HELP13 "\tt \t= test mode for full-screen emulator\n" OH_HELP14 "will send command to the host identified by alias or to the\n\tlast used host. If no command is present, then a full-screen\n\tsession is started using the IBM-3278-2 emulator named %s\n" OH_HELP15 "note 1: an interrupt (ctrl-c) will terminate onhost if onhost is waiting\n\tfor your input, otherwise onhost will force a line to the host\n" OH_HELP16 "note 2: a normal line of hat(^) followed by a character produces a\n\tpf1..pf12(1234567890-=), pa1..pa2(ab), enter(e), or clear(z) at the host\n" OH_CP_READ "CP read without expert option - onhost requesting ipl\n" OH_OUT_PHASE "scanmsg: out of phase nr=%d c=0x%x\n"