$ IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG $ This is an automatically generated prolog. $ $ tcpip720 src/tcpip/usr/samples/tcpip/onhost/hostconnect.man 1.4 $ $ Licensed Materials - Property of IBM $ $ COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989,1991 $ All Rights Reserved $ $ US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or $ disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. $ $ IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG $ static char sccsid[] = "src/tcpip/usr/samples/tcpip/onhost/hostconnect.man, tcpip_samples, tcpip720 8/14/90 16:25:37"; $ $ COMPONENT_NAME: TCPIP hostconnect.l $ $ ORIGINS: 27 $ $ (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989 $ All Rights Reserved $ Licensed Materials - Property of IBM $ $ US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or $ disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. $ $ NOTICE TO USERS OF THE SOURCE CODE EXAMPLES $ $ INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THE SOURCE CODE $ EXAMPLES, BOTH INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ONE OR MORE GROUPS, "AS IS" WITHOUT $ WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT $ LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A $ PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE $ OF THE SOURCE CODE EXAMPLES, BOTH INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ONE OR MORE GROUPS, $ IS WITH YOU. SHOULD ANY PART OF THE SOURCE CODE EXAMPLES PROVE $ DEFECTIVE, YOU (AND NOT IBM OR AN AUTHORIZED RISC System/6000* WORKSTATION $ DEALER) ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR $ CORRECTION. $ $ RISC System/6000 is a trademark of International Business Machines $ Corporation. $ $ $ man pages for hostconnect $ hostconnect, version 1.1 PURPOSE Create a connection between an AIX system and an IBM VM or MVS host SYNTAX hostconnect [-?d] -a alias hostconnect [-?d] hostname [style] DESCRIPTION hostconnect is an AIX command which creates a connection to hostname for use by the onhost command. Automatic login may be possible by using the alias option. The style of host is discussed below - see onhost.alias. hostconnect requires a binary telnet session with the host and identifies itself as an IBM-3278-2 terminal. After a successful login, hostconnect goes into the background to listen for onhost commands or full-screen emulation. This means that you can now use all the usual AIX commands and, in addition, you can use the onhost command. When you logoff the host system, hostconnect terminates. If you cannot logoff the host, then you can kill hostconnect but do not use "kill -9" because hostconnect will not get a chance to close the host connection. Your host userid may remain active and, under some circumstances, you may not be able to login again. You can follow the progress of hostconnect by the characters which it writes to standard output. The letters C, L, P, and E indicate connection, login, password, and execution of onhostld. R and I show reset and initialization. Q, F, and H indicate failure. Also present are equal signs to show minor state changes. The string will end in S if hostconnect is successful. OPTIONS -? This option displays information about the hostconnect command. -a alias This option selects an entry from the file named "onhost.alias", see below, which specifies the hostname and, additionally, the style, userid, and password necessary to complete a host login. The alias is used by the onhost command to select a connection. Using the alias "noalias" is equivalent to not using the option. -d This option turns on debugging to study the code or track down a problem. -d sends debug output to the terminal. -d1 sends debug output (-d2 sends more) to the file "hostconn.debug". ONHOST.ALIAS The "onhost.alias" file resides in the current or home directory. The file permissions are set to 600 because the file may contain passwords. The first line of the alias file is reserved for onhost file transfer and full-screen emulator information. The line contains zero or more words, [[AIXuserid [AIXpasswd ]]em3278] where em3278 is the name of the IBM 3278-2 full-screen emulator to be used by onhost for full-screen mode. The default is tn for AIX, or tn3270 for BSD systems. AIXuserid and AIXpasswd are the userid and password to be used by the "onhost cp" command to authenticate file transfer between the MVS or VM TCP/IP FTP client and the AIX system executing "onhost cp". If AIXuserid is not present, it is set to LOGNAME or USER, if either exists in the onhost environment. AIXuserid and AIXpasswd are requested if needed and not set. Successive lines, one per alias, are formed as follows, alias hostname [style [userid [passwd ]]] [(iplstr)] alias This field labels the entry. It is also used to create a file in the home directory which contains the information needed by onhost to use this host connection. The file name is formed by adding a prefix of "hostcon.", e.g., an alias of "foo" would create the file "hostcon.foo". (The file "hostcon.noalias" is created if hostconnect is used without the alias option.) hostname This is the host system name specified as an Internet domain name or address. For AIX/370 hostconnect only, a hostname of "LDSF" requests a VM Logical Device Support Facility connection to a virtual machine peer of AIX/370. style This numeric field specifies the style of host connection. Use 0 or 2 for CMS, 4 for TSO, or 6 for an unknown host; add one to bypass automatic login. The default is zero. Automatic login is not attempted if the style is 6. For example, a style of 3 will direct hostconnect to connect to hostname, to suppress automatic login, and to expect VM/CMS interaction. If automatic login is bypassed, a knowledgeable person can use onhost to complete the login and then execute "onhostld" on the host to prepare it for onhost command execution. This feature allows hostconnect and onhost to work with unusual systems. An AIX shell script can be used to automate this procedure. userid This is the VM/CMS or MVS/TSO userid on the host named hostname. It is used for automatic login and requested if not present. passwd This is the password used to complete automatic login to userid. It is requested if not present. (iplstr) The string iplstr is used to ipl the VM/CMS system, if necessary. The default is (ipl cms). Here is a sample onhost.alias file. webster tn cms pasc vmxa 2 merriam (ipl cmsxa) pvm LDSF 1 test mvstest.paloalto.ibm.com 4 tsouser a1b2c3 NOTES Before using hostconnect for the first time, make sure that you have a valid userid and password for the host system you want to use. In addition, some programs used by hostconnect and onhost should be present on the host. On VM, hostconnect expects to see a VM READ in the standard status area of the CMS screen whenever a command ends or a program needs input. If you change the setting of autoread or change the VM READ status area then onhost or hostconnect may not work correctly. Specifying the wrong style of host can cause similar problems. Both CMS and TSO signal onhost command end with a distinctive line which also contains the host return code. If this line is not recognized by the AIX onhost command, it will be displayed and onhost will not terminate. (You can interrupt onhost or logoff the host.) On VM, this can be caused if you have set term hilight on, for example. Modifications to the onhost.alias and onhost.profil files may not affect the current hostconnect sessions. When hostconnect receives a kill signal, it sends "logoff" to the host as part of its shutdown sequence. SEE ALSO onhost AIXwhat is @(#) hostconnect.l 1.4 PASC 1.4