$ @(#)42 1.2 src/tcpip/usr/samples/tcpip/onhost/hostconn.msg, tcpip_samples, tcpip720 8/14/90 16:32:19 $ IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG $ This is an automatically generated prolog. $ $ tcpip720 src/tcpip/usr/samples/tcpip/onhost/hostconn.msg 1.2 $ $ Licensed Materials - Property of IBM $ $ COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989,1991 $ All Rights Reserved $ $ US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or $ disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. $ $ IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG $ static char sccsid[] = "src/tcpip/usr/samples/tcpip/onhost/hostconn.msg, tcpip_samples, tcpip720 8/14/90 16:32:19"; $ $ COMPONENT_NAME: TCPIP hostconn.msg $ $ ORIGINS: 27 $ $ (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989 $ All Rights Reserved $ Licensed Materials - Property of IBM $ $ US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or $ disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. $ $ $ NOTICE TO USERS OF THE SOURCE CODE EXAMPLES $ $ INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THE SOURCE CODE $ EXAMPLES, BOTH INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ONE OR MORE GROUPS, "AS IS" WITHOUT $ WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT $ LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A $ PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE $ OF THE SOURCE CODE EXAMPLES, BOTH INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ONE OR MORE GROUPS, $ IS WITH YOU. SHOULD ANY PART OF THE SOURCE CODE EXAMPLES PROVE $ DEFECTIVE, YOU (AND NOT IBM OR AN AUTHORIZED RISC System/6000* WORKSTATION $ DEALER) ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR $ CORRECTION. $ $ RISC System/6000 is a trademark of International Business Machines $ Corporation. $ $ messages for hostconnect $ $quote " $ Messages used in hostcon0.c $set HOSTCON0_ERR HC_BAD_VALUE "weird value on read fd=%d n=%d max=%d\n" HC_EMUL_FAIL "Expected full-screen emulator negotiation has failed.\n" HC_UN_AUTH "\nYour host connection to the alias named %s has been closed\nbecause of an unauthenticated attempt to use it.\n" HC_UNEXPECTED "hostconnect received unexpected data.\n" HC_CONN_ONLY "Connection only - use onhost to login to the host and execute onhostld.\n" HC_INTER "%s got interrupt and closes\n" $ Messages used in hostcon1.c $set HOSTCON1_ERR HC_PUTIAC_FULL "buffer full in putiacbuf\n" HC_TERM_TYPE "cmscon3 expects terminal type\n" HC_DOIAC_FULL "buffer full in DoIac\n" HC_SEND_TERM "We expect to send terminal type\n" HC_PROF_KEY "%s keywords not found in onhost.profil\n" $ Messages used in hostcon2.c $set HOSTCON2_ERR HC_SYS_WRITE "could not write %s" HC_HOST_ACCESS "The host with alias \"%s\" will not be accessed\n" HC_CANT_STAT "could not stat %s\n" HC_CANT_MALLOC "findprofile: could not malloc\n" HC_CANT_READ "could not read file %s\n" HC_PROF_VER "onhost.profil Version is not %s, cannot continue\n" HC_PROF_FOUND "onhost.profil Version not found, cannot continue\n" HC_SPCMD_FULL "findprofile: spcmd table full, size=%d\n" HC_PROF_LINE "error in onhost.profil. line beginning %s does not end in ;\n" HC_PROF_PATH "hostconnect cannot find onhost.profil in path %s\n" HC_PROF_FORMAT "onhost.profil may be in wrong format.\n" HC_ONHOST_AUTH "gettimeofday() can't provide onhost authentication" HC_OPEN_DEBUG "can not open hostconn.debug\n" HC_ALREADY_CONN "The host with alias %s may already be connected.\n" HC_ENTER_CMD "Enter onhost -a %s [command] to try to use this host.\n" HC_HOME_DIR "%s not in current or home directory - " HC_DEFAULTS_SET "Default values have been set.\n" HC_600_SET "%s should have 600 access, please chmod\n" HC_CANT_OPEN "can not open %s\n" HC_NO_ALIAS "alias not found in %s\n" HC_INTERNET "internet address not set\n" HC_USAGE "(%s) usage: " HC_PROMPT1 "%s [-?d[n][a alias] [ihost [style]]\n" HC_PROMPT2 "where \ta \t= use alias to identify host connection\n" HC_PROMPT3 "\td, d0 \t= debug output to stddbg\n" HC_PROMPT4 "\td1, d2 \t= debug output to hostconn.debug (d2: more detail)\n" HC_PROMPT5 "\talias \t= identify entry in onhost.alias file which describes host\n" HC_PROMPT6 "\tihost \t= Internet address or domain name of host\n" HC_PROMPT7 "\tstyle \t= 0 or 2 for CMS, 4 for TSO, 6 for an unknown host type;\n\t\tadd one to bypass automatic login for connection only (then use\n\t\tonhost to login and execute onhostld)\n" HC_PROMPT8 "will connect to the IBM host described by the alias entry in onhost.alias,\n" HC_PROMPT9 "or, if the alias is noalias, to the host named ihost.\n" HC_PROMPT10 "(A special connection to a VM peer of AIX/370 will be made if ihost is LDSF.)\n" HC_EMPTY_ALIAS "no alias following -a\n" HC_BAD_OPTION "unrecognized option: %c\n" HC_LDSF_USED "All /dev/ldsf are in use: last dev tried was %s\n" HC_LOCAL_HOST "no local host system, specify a remote hostname\n" HC_READ_ERR "error reading %s\n" HC_CANT_ACCESS "cannot access %s\n" HC_IN_BIN "\tDoes bin own /dev/ldsf and hostconnect?\n" HC_SUID_SET "\tDoes hostconnect have suid bit set?\n") HC_CHAR_DEV "could not open %s as characters device\n" HC_TCP_MISSING "telnet/tcp not in /etc/services - using port 23\n" HC_UNKNOWN_HOST "%s: unknown host\n"