# @(#)25 1.2 src/perf/perfagent/usr/samples/perfagent/server/lfiltd.lex, perfagent, perf720 4/7/94 16:45:25 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # perf720 src/perf/perfagent/usr/samples/perfagent/server/lfiltd.lex 1.2 # # # # OBJECT CODE ONLY SOURCE MATERIALS # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1992,1993 # All Rights Reserved # # The source code for this program is not published or otherwise # divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been # deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # # COMPONENT_NAME: (PERFAGENT) Performance Agent # # FUNCTIONS: lex definition file for lfiltd sample daemon # # ORIGINS: 30 # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1992, 1993 # All Rights Reserved # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # NOTICE TO USERS OF THE SOURCE CODE EXAMPLES # # IBM does not warrant that the contents of the source code examples, whether # individually or as one or more groups, will meet your requirements or that # the source code examples are error-free. # # PLEASE SEE THE FILE lfiltd.c FOR FULL STATEMENT ON SOURCE CODE SAMPLES %{ #include #include "lfiltd.h" #undef input #undef unput int c; extern int yylval; %} D [0-9] A [a-zA-Z] B [a-zA-Z\%] N [0-9a-zA-Z] V [0-9a-zA-Z\%] L [a-zA-Z_] P [0-9a-zA-Z_\%] W [" "\t] %% \( { return(LEFTBR); } \) { return(RGHTBR); } \\\n ; {W} ; \n { return(EOL); } [\*\/\%\+\-] { return(OPER); } "=" { return(ASSIGN); } \#.* { return(COMMENT); } \".*\" { return(DESCR); } {A}{V}* { return(TARGET); } {A}{P}*"_*_"{B}{P}* { return(WCMUL); } {A}{P}*"_+_"{B}{P}* { return(WCADD); } {A}{P}*"_>_"{B}{P}* { return(WCTOP); } {A}{P}*"_<_"{B}{P}* { return(WCBOT); } {A}{P}*"_#_"{B}{P}* { return(WCCNT); } {A}{P}* { return(VARBL); } \.{D}+ { return(FLOAT1); } {D}+\. { return(FLOAT2); } {D}+\.{D}+ { return(FLOAT3); } {D}+ { return(NUMBER); } [^{D}{L}\b] { c = yytext[0]; return(c); }