UlQH  4   1L.text .data   4@.bss .loaderB(= ,|nx|#x|+xb,;lAA 4| S*N!A98}{x~xH` ,Ab$H A| @__start,M H4N @__threads_init|!HAf| FN!Ab ,cA| CN!Ab,cAl| CN!Ab,Ac| CN!Ab,cA| CN!AH8!@}N b,AK A__threads_init@AF2_1|;L,a`~A!ސX`\TP`D@PbTLaHVA};BzH,ÀzH,8d@|`H A,8AP8aXH ɀA88XH A8zH рA|~yA8aXH A8X`ecH A8@,8aXApH A,8aX@488 H !`W8W8 L"|(0X|xXHA8 : Pathname of an AHA file with suffix ".mon". --------------------------------------------------------------- Keys | values | comments =============================================================== WAIT_TYPE | WAIT_IN_SELECT (default) | uses select() to wait. | WAIT_IN_READ | uses read() to wait. -----------|--------------------------|------------------------ CHANGED | YES (default) | monitors state-change. | or not-YES | It cannot be used with | | THRESH_HI. -----------|--------------------------|------------------------ THRESH_HI | positive integer | monitors high threshold. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SYNTAX: %s [=[;=;...]] Entering read() to wait till the event corresponding to the AHA node %s occurs. Entering select() to wait till the event corresponding to the AHA node %s occurs. TIME_tvnsec=%ld SEQUENCE_NUM=%d PID=%ld UID=%ld UID_LOGIN=%ld GID=%ld PROG_NAME=%s      %/ !@___bzero@-@9@errno@close@ _iob@exit@ strlen@ open@ fprintf@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ printf@ strncmp@ sscanf@ E@ perror@ ctime_r@ system@ getcwd@ strstr@ IDtouser@ dirname@ pread@ strsep@ S@ _@ __crt0v@l@__start !        H  L P T! X \ ` d h l  p  t x |                /usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.o@VPDmon_1event/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memset ___strcpy __fd_select IDtogroup __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name