#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # bos720 src/bos/usr/samples/ahafs/bin/aha.pl # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2009,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # Subroutines in this FILE aha.pl: # read_arguments # syntax # monitor_a_event # parse_key_values # aha_mon_file # create_parentdir # read_data # print_data # send_email # monitor_a_set_of_events # read_input_file # # PURPOSE: To monitor a set of events listed in a file (-i flag) # or to monitor only one event (-m flag). # SYNTAX: # aha.pl -i [-e ] # aha.pl -m =[;=;...] [-e ] # e.g. # aha.pl -i aha.inp -e user1@abc.com;user2@efg.com # aha.pl -m /aha/fs/utilFs.monFactory/tmp.mon "THRESH_HI=90;NOTIFY_CNT=1" user@abc.com # # NOTE: Now (2012/12 onward), this script does not support WAIT_IN_READ as a WAIT_TYPE # which was provided as an input option with its previous version shipped with # AIX 6100-06-00-0000 & AIX 7100-00-00-0000. # # CHANGELOG: # 2008/04/01 Created by N.Dubey # 2008/04/09 Updated by J.Jann # 2008/10/30 Updated by R.Burugula, N.Dubey # 2008/11/15 Updated by J.Jann # 2009/01/21 Updated by N.Dubey # 2009/07/30 Updated by N.Dubey # 2010/03/01 Updated by N.Dubey # 2010/09/14 Updated by N.Dubey # 2011/04/15 Updated by N.Dubey # 2011/06/22 Updated by N.Dubey # 2012/03/28 Updated by J.Jann # 2012/11/14 Updated by N.Dubey # 2012/12/12 Updated by J.Jann # 2013/01/21 Updated by N.Dubey use FileHandle; undef $monFile; undef $monFileWrStr; undef $emailList; undef $cfgFile; @monFiles= (); @wrStrs= (); @notifyCnts= (); @rearmSecs= (); @notifiedTime= (); $minTimeout = 0; $user=$ENV{"USER"}; $outFile="/tmp/.ahafs.out.$user.$$"; $mailSubject=""; $data_available = 0; #============================================================================= # A) Read the arguments &read_arguments(@ARGV); # B) Monitor event/events if ( (!defined $cfgFile) && (!defined $monFileWrStr) ) { &syntax; } if (defined $monFileWrStr) { &monitor_a_event; } elsif (defined $cfgFile) { &monitor_a_set_of_events; } exit(0); # 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub read_arguments # Parse the input arguments { my ($option); if ($#ARGV < 0) { &syntax; } while (@_) { my $option = shift; if ($option eq "-h") { &syntax; } elsif ($option eq "-i") { $cfgFile = shift; } elsif ($option eq "-e") { $emailList = shift; } elsif ($option eq "-m") { $monFile = shift; $monFileWrStr = shift; } else { &syntax; } } } # 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub syntax { printf ("\nSYNTAX1: %s -i [-e ] \n", $0); printf ("SYNTAX2: %s -m \"=[;=;...]>\" [-e ] \n", $0); printf(" where: \n"); printf(" : A file with a list of AHA events & their thresholds\n"); printf(" in the format of the file \"aha.inp\".\n"); printf(" : Email-Ids separated by ';' to send the report to.\n"); printf(" : Pathname of an AHA file with suffix \".mon\".\n"); printf(" The supported key names and their values are:\n"); printf(" --------------------------------------------------------------- \n"); printf(" Key-Name | Key-Values Supported | Comments \n"); printf(" =============================================================== \n"); printf(" CHANGED | YES | monitors state-change. \n"); printf(" | | It cannot be used with \n"); printf(" | | THRESH_HI or THRESH_LO.\n"); printf(" -----------|--------------------------|------------------------ \n"); printf(" THRESH_HI | positive integer | monitors high threshold.\n"); printf(" THRESH_LO | positive integer | monitors low threshold.\n"); printf(" -----------|--------------------------|------------------------ \n"); printf(" INFO_LVL | 1 (default) | Generic info. \n"); printf(" | 2 | Above + info from evProd.\n"); printf(" | 3 | Above + stack trace. \n"); printf(" -----------|--------------------------|------------------------ \n"); printf(" NOTIFY_CNT| -1 (default) | notifies at each occurrence\n"); printf(" | | (i.e. continuous monitoring).\n"); printf(" | >0 and <=32767 | notifies after specified \n"); printf(" | | number of occurrences. \n"); printf(" -----------|--------------------------|------------------------ \n"); printf(" BUF_SIZE | 2048 (default) | Buffer size (bytes) to \n"); printf(" | >0 and <=1048576 | keep the information about\n"); printf(" | | the occurrences of the event.\n"); printf(" ----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); printf("Examples: \n"); printf(" 1: %s -i aha.inp -e \"user1\@abc.com;user2\@xyz.com\" \n", $0); printf(" 2: %s -m /aha/fs/utilFs.monFactory/tmp.mon \"THRESH_HI=90\"\n", $0); printf(" 3: %s -m /aha/fs/modFile.monFactory/etc/passwd.mon \"CHANGED=YES;INFO_LVL=3\" -e user\@abc.com\n", $0); printf(" 4: %s -m /aha/mem/vmo.monFactory/npskill.mon \"CHANGED=YES\" \n", $0); exit (-1); } # 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub monitor_a_event { my $str = &parse_key_values($monFileWrStr); my ($wrStr,$notifyCnt) = split (/:/,$str); #Make sure that the file is an AHA monitor file. if ( ! &aha_mon_file($monFile) ) { exit (-1); } #Create the monFile and its parent directories if not already created. &create_parentdir($monFile); open($FHANDLE, "+>$monFile") or die "Cannot open the file $monFile. Check the corresponding event object.\n"; $FHANDLE->autoflush(1); print $FHANDLE $wrStr or die "Cannot write $wrStr into the file $monFile\n"; ; print "Monitoring the AHAFS event \"$monFile\".\n"; my ($rin, $rout, $nfound); $rin = ""; vec($rin, fileno($FHANDLE),1) = 1; $nfound = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, undef); if ($nfound <= 0) # No event occurred or an error was found. { print "ERROR: The select() returned $nfound.\n"; print "Possible Cause: The object corresponding to the event might not be available!\n"; close($FHANDLE); exit (-1); } # Create the temporary file. open (OUTFILE, "> $outFile") || die "Cannot create the file $outFile: $! \n"; while (1) { &read_data($FHANDLE); if ($data_available > 0) # Data is available. { #Print the data &print_data($monFile); # IF only one notification is received after $notifyCnt occurrences of the event, THEN if ($notifyCnt > 0) { # Remove the temporary file. close (OUTFILE); system "/usr/bin/rm -f $outFile >/dev/null 2>&1"; exit 0; } # ELSE continous monitoring # Make sure the event (.mon) file is not deleted. if (! -e "$monFile" ) { print "\nThe event file \"$monFile\" no longer exists! The event object might have been deleted.\n"; # Remove the temporary file. close (OUTFILE); system "/usr/bin/rm -f $outFile >/dev/null 2>&1"; exit; } } } # end of while loop } # 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_key_values { #Default key-value pairs (if not provided). my $waitType="WAIT_IN_SELECT"; my $changed=""; my $threshHi=""; my $threshLo=""; my $infoLvl=1; my $notifyCnt=-1; my $bufSize=2048; my $str = shift; my $wrStr =""; my @key_values = split(/;/,$str); for (my $i=0; $i <= $#key_values; $i++) { if ($key_values[$i] =~ /CHANGED=(\S+)/) { $changed=$1; if ($changed ne "YES") { print "Invalid value of CHANGED!\n"; exit (-1); } } elsif ($key_values[$i] =~ /THRESH_HI=(\d+)/) { $threshHi=$1; if ($threshHi < 0) { print "Invalid value of THRESH_HI!\n"; exit (-1); } } elsif ($key_values[$i] =~ /THRESH_LO=(\d+)/) { $threshLo=$1; if ($threshLo < 0) { print "Invalid value of THRESH_LO!\n"; exit (-1); } } elsif ($key_values[$i] =~ /INFO_LVL=(\d+)/) { $infoLvl=$1; if ($infoLvl < 1 || $infoLvl > 3) { print "Invalid value of INFO_LVL!\n"; exit (-1); } } elsif ($key_values[$i] =~ /NOTIFY_CNT=(\S+)/) { $notifyCnt=$1; if ($notifyCnt < -1 || $notifyCnt == 0 || $notifyCnt > 32767) { print "Invalid value of NOTIFY_CNT!\n"; exit (-1); } } elsif ($key_values[$i] =~ /BUF_SIZE=(\d+)/) { $bufSize=$1; if ($bufSize < 0 || $bufSize > 1048576) { print "Invalid value of BUF_SIZE!\n"; exit (-1); } } elsif ($key_values[$i] eq "") { next; } else { print "Invalid key-value pair!\n"; exit (-1); } } if ( $changed eq "" && $threshHi eq "" && $threshLo eq "" ) { print "The value of the key CHANGED or THRESH_HI or THRESH_LO must be specified!\n"; exit (-1); } if ( ($changed ne "") && ($threshHi ne "" || $threshLo ne "") ) { print "The CHANGED and THRESH_* can not be specified together!\n"; exit (-1); } if (($threshHi ne "") && ($threshLo ne "") ) { if ( $threshHi <= $threshLo) { print "THRESH_HI must be greater than THRESH_LO!\n"; exit (-1); } } if ($changed ne "") { $wrStr="WAIT_TYPE=$waitType;CHANGED=$changed;INFO_LVL=$infoLvl;NOTIFY_CNT=$notifyCnt;BUF_SIZE=$bufSize"; } else { if (($threshHi ne "") && ($threshLo ne "") ) { $wrStr="WAIT_TYPE=$waitType;THRESH_HI=$threshHi;THRESH_LO=$threshLo;INFO_LVL=$infoLvl;NOTIFY_CNT=$notifyCnt;BUF_SIZE=$bufSize"; } elsif ($threshHi ne "") { $wrStr="WAIT_TYPE=$waitType;THRESH_HI=$threshHi;INFO_LVL=$infoLvl;NOTIFY_CNT=$notifyCnt;BUF_SIZE=$bufSize"; } elsif ($threshLo ne "") { $wrStr="WAIT_TYPE=$waitType;THRESH_LO=$threshLo;INFO_LVL=$infoLvl;NOTIFY_CNT=$notifyCnt;BUF_SIZE=$bufSize"; } } return ("$wrStr:$notifyCnt"); } # 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub aha_mon_file { my $cwd = $ENV{"PWD"}; my $mfile = shift; my $aha = ""; open (CMD_MOUNT,"mount |"); while () { chomp; if (/(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+ahafs\s+/) { $aha=$2; } } close (CMD_MOUNT); if ($aha eq "") { print "The ahafs filesystem is not mounted.\n"; return 0; } if ($mfile =~ /\.mon$/) { if ($mfile =~ /^$aha/) # Absolute path that starts $aha { return 1; } elsif ( !($mfile =~ /^\//) # Relative path and && ($cwd =~ /^$aha/) # cwd contains $aha ) { return 1; } } print "The $mfile is not an AHA monitor file.\n"; return 0; } # 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub create_parentdir { my $mfile = shift; my $dirname=`/usr/bin/dirname $mfile`; if (! -d $dirname) { system "/usr/bin/mkdir -p $dirname "; } } # 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub read_data { my $start = 0; my $tm0 = ""; my $tm = ""; my $pid = 0; my $uid = 0; my $luid = 0; my $gid = 0; my $uName = ""; my $lName = ""; my $gName = ""; my $prgName = ""; my $fhandle = shift; my $parse = 1; LOOP1: while (<$fhandle>) { $data_available++; if ($parse == 1) { if ($_ =~ /BEGIN_EVENT_INFO\s*/) { print OUTFILE "\n"; print OUTFILE "$_"; } elsif ($_ =~ /NUM_EVDROPS_INTRCNTX=(\d+)\s*/) { print OUTFILE "NUM_EVDROPS_INTRCNTX: $1\n"; } elsif ($_ =~ /TIME0_tvsec=(\d+)\s*/) { $tm0 = localtime($1); print OUTFILE "Time0 : $tm0\n"; } elsif ($_ =~ /TIME0_tvnsec=(\d+)\s*/) {} elsif ($_ =~ /TIME_tvsec=(\d+)\s*/) { $tm = localtime($1); print OUTFILE "Time : $tm\n"; } elsif ($_ =~ /TIME_tvnsec=(\d+)\s*/) {} elsif ($_ =~ /SEQUENCE_NUM=(\d+)\s*/) { $seqNum = $1; print OUTFILE "Sequence Num : $seqNum\n"; } elsif( $_ =~ /PID=(\d+)\s*/ ) { $pid = $1; print OUTFILE "Process ID : $pid\n"; } elsif ( $_ =~ /UID=(\d+)\s*/ ) { $uid = $1; $uName = getpwuid($uid); if ($uName ne "") { print OUTFILE "User Info : userName=$uName"; } else { print OUTFILE "User Info : UID=$uid"; } } elsif ( $_ =~ /UID_LOGIN=(\d+)\s*/ ) { $luid = $1; $lName = getpwuid($luid); if ($lName ne "") { print OUTFILE ", loginName=$lName"; } else { print OUTFILE ", UID_LOGIN=$luid"; } } elsif ( $_ =~ /GID=(\d+)\s*/ ) { $gid = $1; $gName = getgrgid($gid); if ($gName ne "") { print OUTFILE ", groupName=$gName \n"; } else { print OUTFILE ", GID=$gid \n"; } } elsif ( $_ =~ /PROG_NAME=(\S+)\s*/ ) { $prgName = $1; print OUTFILE "Program Name : $prgName\n"; } elsif ( $_ =~ /CURRENT_VALUE=(\d+)\s*/ ) { $curValue = $1; print OUTFILE "Current Value : $curValue\n"; } elsif ($_ =~ /RC_FROM_EVPROD=(\d+)\s*/) #Last record in the level1 info { print OUTFILE "$_"; $parse = 0; # No more parsing } } else { print OUTFILE "$_"; if ($_ =~ /END_EVENT_INFO/) { last LOOP1; } } } # while loop ends } # 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_data { $evfile = shift; #First, close the OUTFILE handle close (OUTFILE); print STDOUT "\nAHAFS event: $evfile \n"; print STDOUT "---------------------------------------------------\n"; if ( ! defined $emailList) { open (INFILE, "< $outFile"); while () { print STDOUT $_; } close (INFILE); } else { my @emailIds = split(/;/,$emailList); open (INFILE, "< $outFile"); while () { print STDOUT $_; } close (INFILE); for (my $i=0; $i <= $#emailIds; $i++) { &send_email($emailIds[$i],$evfile); } print STDOUT "\nEmail is sent to $emailList.\n"; } # Open the temporary file again to save the report. open (OUTFILE, "> $outFile"); $data_available = 0; } # 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub send_email { $emailId = shift; $evfile = shift; $subject = "AHAFS event has occurred!\n"; $sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail"; open(SENDMAIL,"|$sendmail -t") || die "Cannot create the file $sendmail: $! \n"; print SENDMAIL "To: $emailId\n"; print SENDMAIL "Subject: $subject \n\n"; # Content of the mail print SENDMAIL "\nAHAFS event: $evfile \n"; print SENDMAIL "---------------------------------------------------\n"; open (INFILE, "< $outFile"); while () { print SENDMAIL $_; } close (INFILE); close(SENDMAIL); } # 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub monitor_a_set_of_events { my $fhandle; my ($rin, $rout, $nout, $i); my @FHANDLES=(); my @notified= (); # Read the configuration file read_input_file(); # Create the event files and specify the interests. for ($i=0; $i <= $#monFiles ; $i++) { #Make sure that the file is an AHA monitor file. if ( ! &aha_mon_file($monFiles[$i]) ) { exit (-1); } &create_parentdir($monFiles[$i]); #Write the thresholds for the events open($FHANDLES[$i], "+>$monFiles[$i]") or die "Cannot open the file $monFiles[$i]. Check the corresponding event object.\n"; $fhandle = $FHANDLES[$i]; $fhandle->autoflush(1); print $fhandle $wrStrs[$i] or die "Cannot write $wrStrs[$i] into the file $monFiles[$i]\n"; print "Monitoring the AHAFS event \"$monFiles[$i]\".\n"; } # Create the temporary file. open (OUTFILE, "> $outFile") || die "Cannot create the file $outFile: $! \n"; # Event has occurred. my $num_stopped = 0; my @stop_evmon=(); while (1) { # Start monitoring the events $rout = ""; $rin = ""; $curTime = time; $monitorTimeout = 0; for ($i=0; $i <= $#monFiles ; $i++) { # Ignore if the monitoring of this event is already stopped. if ($stop_evmon[$i] == 1) { next; } if ($notifiedTime[$i] > 0) # Need to rearm { my $timeLeft = $notifiedTime[$i] + $rearmSecs[$i] - $curTime; if ($timeLeft > 0) { if( ($monitorTimeout == 0) || ($monitorTimeout > $timeLeft)) { $monitorTimeout = $timeLeft; } next; } } vec($rin, fileno($FHANDLES[$i]),1) = 1; } if ($monitorTimeout > 0 ) { $nout = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, $monitorTimeout); } else { $nout = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, undef); } if ($nout < 0) # Error occurred. { print "\nThe select() returned $nout.\n"; for ($i=0; $i <= $#monFiles ; $i++) { # Ignore if the monitoring of this event is already stopped. if ($stop_evmon[$i] == 1) { next; } if (! -e "$monFiles[$i]" ) { print "The event file \"$monFiles[$i]\" no longer exists! The event object might have been deleted.\n"; $stop_evmon[$i] = 1; $num_stopped++; # Exit if no more monitoring is left. if ($num_stopped == ($#monFiles +1) ) { close(OUTFILE); # Remove the temporary file. system "/usr/bin/rm -f $outFile >/dev/null 2>&1"; exit; } goto end; } } } # Handle the reports for ($i=0; $i <= $#monFiles ; $i++) { #Ignore if the monitoring of this event is already stopped. if ($stop_evmon[$i] == 1) { next; } $fhandle = $FHANDLES[$i]; # Event has occurred. if ( vec($rout, fileno($fhandle),1) == 1 ) { &read_data($FHANDLES[$i]); if ($data_available > 0) # Data is available { # Print the data &print_data($monFiles[$i]); if ($notifyCnts[$i] > 0) # Only one notification { # See if we need to monitor the event or rearm it after some time. if ($rearmSecs[$i] > 0) { $notifiedTime[$i] = time; print "\nMonitoring of the AHAFS event \"$monFiles[$i]\" will be restarted after $rearmSecs[$i] seconds.\n"; } else { print "\nMonitoring of the AHAFS event \"$monFiles[$i]\" is stopped.\n"; close($fhandle); $stop_evmon[$i] = 1; $num_stopped++; # Exit if no more monitoring is left. if ($num_stopped == ($#monFiles +1) ) { close (OUTFILE); # Remove the temporary file. system "/usr/bin/rm -f $outFile >/dev/null 2>&1"; exit; } } } } # Data has been read. } # A particular event has occurred } # End of FOR-loop to handle the reports end: }# End of while loop } # 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub read_input_file { # Open the configuration file print "\nAttempting to open the AHAFS configuration file \"$cfgFile\".\n"; open($cfgHandle, "<$cfgFile") or die "Cannot open the file \"$cfgFile\"\n"; LOOP1: while (<$cfgHandle>) { $_ =~ s/\s+/ /g; # Remove extra white space characters $_ =~ s/^\s+//; # Remove the spaces in beginning $_ =~ s/\s+$//; # Remove the spaces the end if (/^\#/) { next LOOP1; } if (/(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) { my $mfile = $1; my $cols = ""; my $secs = 0; if ( ($2 eq "YES") || ($2 eq "yes")) { $cols="CHANGED=YES"; } if ($3 ne "--") { $cols="$cols;THRESH_HI=$3"; } if ($4 ne "--") { $cols="$cols;THRESH_LO=$4"; } if ($5 ne "--") { $cols="$cols;INFO_LVL=$5"; } if ($6 ne "--") { $cols="$cols;NOTIFY_CNT=$6"; } if ($7 ne "--") { $cols="$cols;BUF_SIZE=$7"; } if ($8 ne "--") { my ($d,$h,$m,$s) = split(/:/,$8); $secs = $d * 24 * 3600 + $h * 3600 + $m * 60 + $s; } my $tmpStr = &parse_key_values($cols); my ($wrStr,$notifyCnt) = split (/:/,$tmpStr); push (@monFiles,$mfile); push (@wrStrs, $wrStr); push (@notifyCnts, $notifyCnt); push (@rearmSecs, $secs); } } # Close the configuration file close($cfgHandle); }