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PM_CYC Count cycles (default event). EMULATION Turn on the emulation profiling mode. ALIGNMENT Turn on the alignment profiling mode. ISLBMISS Turn on the Instruction Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. DSLBMISS Turn on the Data Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. PM_ Specify the hardware event to profile. -y Turn on event based profiling only for the specified command and its descendents. -f Specify the sampling interval to use: from 1 to 500 ms for processor cycle, EMULATION, ALIGNMENT, ISLBMISS and DSLBMISS events (default = 10 ms). from 10000 up to MAXINT occurrences for other Performance Monitor events (default = 10000 events). (when used with -y) from 1 up to MAXINT occurrences for other Performance Monitor events (default = 10000 events). -a Turn on large page analysis -h Prints this message. -r Release and reset the PMAPI subsystem. -S Stop generating Performance Monitor events. -s Print the current status of the PMAPI subsystem. `POWER3POWER4POWER5POWER6POWER7POWER8POWER9PM_CYCRS64-IIMPC7450POWER10pm_initRS64-IIIDSLBMISSISLBMISSinit_pmPOWER3-IIPOWER4-IIPOWER5-IIALIGNMENTEMULATIONpm_encodePowerPC604PowerPC970PowerPC604ePOWERCOMPATPowerPC970MPPM_INST_CMPLpm_initializePM_MRK_LSU_FINaix.system.statpm_encode_groupPM_RUN_INST_CMPLPM_RUN_INST_CMPLMalloc_tunablesMalloc_tunablesMALLOCDEBUG=traceMalloc ProcName failed Event %s cannot be found. Hardware counters already in use. SLB statistics cannot be enabled. SLB statistics cannot be disabled. PMU access is disabled in the system. Unable to register the eprof mode (%d) Unable to register the eprof mode (%d) Unable to register the eprof mode (%d) Tprof tunables values cannot be retrieved. Tprof tunables values cannot be retrieved. Tprof tunables values cannot be retrieved. Specified profiling counter is out of range. tp_pm_ep_init_eprof function returns an error A group with events %s and %s cannot be found. Performance Monitor interrupts have been started. Sampling refresh rate too rapid. Sampling stopped. aix.system.stat,aix.system.pmustat.global,aix.system.pmustat.configWARNING: processor does not have a SIA register; use the IAR instead.   h (   0 p  8   @ 0 $ H P X xProfiling made with a non marked event. Symbols reported may be inaccurate. @(#)12 src/bos/usr/sbin/perf/tools/tprof/eprof.c, cmdperft, perf72X, x2021_05A0 1/5/21 04:07:13dddddd d @      ` " " X     $X $` $ "d "h "l $ "p "t "x $  $ "|GH $ $ $ $ $ $ $ " $ $ " " " " " " "=o L3@___bzero@(@errno@close@ sys_parm@ 4@ D@_iob@malloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ open@ fprintf@ geteuid@ getuid@ catopen@ catgets@ atoi@ fputs@ printf@ fdopen@ strncmp@ strdup@ system@ \@ getopt@ putenv@ lockf@ h@ u@ __crt0v@optind@optarg@@@ @ pm_error@ @ @ @ @ @ !@ 9@ U@ q@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ +@ 8@ __start "! 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