######################################################################## # # File Name: HTMLDocument.py # # """ WWW: http://4suite.com/4DOM e-mail: support@4suite.com Copyright (c) 2000 Fourthought Inc, USA. All Rights Reserved. See http://4suite.com/COPYRIGHT for license and copyright information """ from xml.dom import Node from xml.dom import NotSupportedErr from xml.dom.Document import Document from xml.dom import implementation from xml.dom import ext import string, sys from xml.dom.html import HTML_DTD class HTMLDocument(Document): def __init__(self): Document.__init__(self, None) # These only make sense in a browser environment, therefore # they never change self.__dict__['__referrer'] = '' self.__dict__['__domain'] = None self.__dict__['__URL'] = '' self.__dict__['__cookie'] = '' self.__dict__['__writable'] = 0 self.__dict__['_html'] = vars(sys.modules['xml.dom.html']) ### Attribute Methods ### def _get_URL(self): return self.__dict__['__URL'] def _get_anchors(self): anchors = self.getElementsByTagName('A'); anchors = filter(lambda x: x._get_name(), anchors) return implementation._4dom_createHTMLCollection(anchors) def _get_applets(self): al = self.getElementsByTagName('APPLET') ol = self.getElementsByTagName('OBJECT') ol = filter(lambda x: x._get_code(), ol) return implementation._4dom_createHTMLCollection(al+ol) def _get_body(self): body = '' #Try to find the body or FRAMESET elements = self.getElementsByTagName('FRAMESET') if not elements: elements = self.getElementsByTagName('BODY') if elements: body = elements[0] else: #Create a body body = self.createElement('BODY') self.documentElement.appendChild(body) return body def _set_body(self, newBody): elements = self.getElementsByTagName('FRAMESET') if not elements: elements = self.getElementsByTagName('BODY') if elements: # Replace the existing one elements[0].parentNode.replaceChild(newBody, elements[0]) else: # Add it self.documentElement.appendChild(newBody) def _get_cookie(self): return self.__dict__['__cookie'] def _set_cookie(self, cookie): self.__dict__['__cookie'] = cookie def _get_domain(self): return self.__dict__['__domain'] def _get_forms(self): forms = self.getElementsByTagName('FORM') return implementation._4dom_createHTMLCollection(forms) def _get_images(self): images = self.getElementsByTagName('IMG') return implementation._4dom_createHTMLCollection(images) def _get_links(self): areas = self.getElementsByTagName('AREA') anchors = self.getElementsByTagName('A') links = filter(lambda x: x._get_href(), areas+anchors) return implementation._4dom_createHTMLCollection(links) def _get_referrer(self): return self.__dict__['__referrer'] def _get_title(self): elements = self.getElementsByTagName('TITLE') if elements: #Take the first title = elements[0] title.normalize() if title.firstChild: return title.firstChild.data return '' def _set_title(self, title): # See if we can find the title title_nodes = self.getElementsByTagName('TITLE') if title_nodes: title_node = title_nodes[0] title_node.normalize() if title_node.firstChild: title_node.firstChild.data = title return else: title_node = self.createElement('TITLE') self._4dom_getHead().appendChild(title_node) text = self.createTextNode(title) title_node.appendChild(text) ### Methods ### def close(self): self.__dict__['__writable'] = 0 def getElementsByName(self, elementName): return self._4dom_getElementsByAttribute('*', 'NAME', elementName) def open(self): #Clear out the doc self.__dict__['__referrer'] = '' self.__dict__['__domain'] = None self.__dict__['__url'] = '' self.__dict__['__cookie'] = '' self.__dict__['__writable'] = 1 def write(self, st): if not self.__dict__['__writable']: return #We need to parse the string here from xml.dom.ext.reader.HtmlLib import FromHTML d = FromHtml(st, self) if d != self: self.appendChild(d) def writeln(self, st): st = st + '\n' self.write(st) def getElementByID(self, ID): hc = self._4dom_getElementsByAttribute('*','ID',ID) if hc.length != 0: return hc[0] return None ### Overridden Methods ### def createElement(self, tagName): return self._4dom_createHTMLElement(tagName) def createElementNS(self, namespace, qname): return self._4dom_createHTMLElement(qname) def createAttribute(self, name): return Document.createAttribute(self, string.upper(name)) def createCDATASection(*args, **kw): raise NotSupportedErr() def createEntityReference(*args, **kw): raise NotSupportedErr() def createProcessingInstruction(*args, **kw): raise NotSupportedErr() def _4dom_createEntity(*args, **kw): raise NotSupportedErr() def _4dom_createNotation(*args, **kw): raise NotSupportedErr() ### Internal Methods ### def _4dom_getElementsByAttribute(self, tagName, attribute, attrValue=None): nl = self.getElementsByTagName(tagName) hc = implementation._4dom_createHTMLCollection() for elem in nl: attr = elem.getAttribute(attribute) if attrValue == None and attr != '': hc.append(elem) elif attr == attrValue: hc.append(elem) return hc def _4dom_getHead(self): nl = self.getElementsByTagName('HEAD') if not nl: head = self.createElement('HEAD') #The head goes in front of the body body = self._get_body() self.documentElement.insertBefore(head, body) else: head = nl[0] return head def _4dom_createHTMLElement(self, tagName): lowered = string.lower(tagName) if not HTML_DTD.has_key(lowered): raise TypeError('Unknown HTML Element: %s' % tagName) if lowered in NoClassTags: from HTMLElement import HTMLElement return HTMLElement(self, tagName) #FIXME: capitalize() broken with unicode in Python 2.0 #normTagName = string.capitalize(tagName) capitalized = string.upper(tagName[0]) + lowered[1:] element = HTMLTagMap.get(capitalized, capitalized) module = 'HTML%sElement' % element if not self._html.has_key(module): #Try to import it (should never fail) __import__('xml.dom.html.%s' % module) # Class and module have the same name klass = getattr(self._html[module], module) return klass(self, tagName) def cloneNode(self, deep): clone = HTMLDocument() clone.__dict__['__referrer'] = self._get_referrer() clone.__dict__['__domain'] = self._get_domain() clone.__dict__['__URL'] = self._get_URL() clone.__dict__['__cookie'] = self._get_cookie() if deep: if self.doctype is not None: # Cannot have any children, no deep needed dt = self.doctype.cloneNode(0) clone._4dom_setDocumentType(dt) if self.documentElement is not None: # The root element can have children, duh root = self.documentElement.cloneNode(1, newOwner=clone) clone.appendChild(root) return clone def isXml(self): return 0 def isHtml(self): return 1 ### Attribute Access Mappings ### _readComputedAttrs = Document._readComputedAttrs.copy() _readComputedAttrs.update ({ 'title' : _get_title, 'referrer' : _get_referrer, 'domain' : _get_domain, 'URL' : _get_URL, 'body' : _get_body, 'images' : _get_images, 'applets' : _get_applets, 'links' : _get_links, 'forms' : _get_forms, 'anchors' : _get_anchors, 'cookie' : _get_cookie }) _writeComputedAttrs = Document._writeComputedAttrs.copy() _writeComputedAttrs.update ({ 'title' : _set_title, 'body' : _set_body, 'cookie' : _set_cookie, }) # Create the read-only list of attributes _readOnlyAttrs = filter(lambda k,m=_writeComputedAttrs: not m.has_key(k), Document._readOnlyAttrs + _readComputedAttrs.keys()) # HTML tags that don't map directly to a class name HTMLTagMap = {'Isindex': 'IsIndex', 'Optgroup': 'OptGroup', 'Textarea': 'TextArea', 'Fieldset': 'FieldSet', 'Ul': 'UList', 'Ol': 'OList', 'Dl': 'DList', 'Dir': 'Directory', 'Li': 'LI', 'P': 'Paragraph', 'H1': 'Heading', 'H2': 'Heading', 'H3': 'Heading', 'H4': 'Heading', 'H5': 'Heading', 'H6': 'Heading', 'Q': 'Quote', 'Blockquote': 'Quote', 'Br': 'BR', 'Basefont': 'BaseFont', 'Hr': 'HR', 'A': 'Anchor', 'Img': 'Image', 'Caption': 'TableCaption', 'Col': 'TableCol', 'Colgroup': 'TableCol', 'Td': 'TableCell', 'Th': 'TableCell', 'Tr': 'TableRow', 'Thead': 'TableSection', 'Tbody': 'TableSection', 'Tfoot': 'TableSection', 'Frameset': 'FrameSet', 'Iframe': 'IFrame', 'Form': 'Form', 'Ins' : 'Mod', 'Del' : 'Mod', } #HTML Elements with no specific DOM Interface of their own NoClassTags = ['sub', 'sup', 'span', 'bdo', 'tt', 'i', 'b', 'u', 's', 'strike', 'big', 'small', 'em', 'strong', 'dfn', 'code', 'samp', 'kbd', 'var', 'cite', 'acronym', 'abbr', 'dd', 'dt', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'address', 'center', ]