ó FRTc@s6dZdefd„ƒYZdefd„ƒYZdS(s0 A set of results returned by SendMessageBatch. t ResultEntrycBs eZdZd„Zd„ZRS(s The result (successful or unsuccessful) of a single message within a send_message_batch request. In the case of a successful result, this dict-like object will contain the following items: :ivar id: A string containing the user-supplied ID of the message. :ivar message_id: A string containing the SQS ID of the new message. :ivar message_md5: A string containing the MD5 hash of the message body. In the case of an error, this object will contain the following items: :ivar id: A string containing the user-supplied ID of the message. :ivar sender_fault: A boolean value. :ivar error_code: A string containing a short description of the error. :ivar error_message: A string containing a description of the error. cCsdS(N(tNone(tselftnametattrst connection((sB/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/sqs/batchresults.pyt startElement0scCsš|dkr||ds&