# Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/ # Copyright (c) 2010, Eucalyptus Systems, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. from boto.ec2.ec2object import EC2Object, TaggedEC2Object from boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping import BlockDeviceMapping class ProductCodes(list): def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): pass def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'productCode': self.append(value) class BillingProducts(list): def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): pass def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'billingProduct': self.append(value) class Image(TaggedEC2Object): """ Represents an EC2 Image """ def __init__(self, connection=None): super(Image, self).__init__(connection) self.id = None self.location = None self.state = None self.ownerId = None # for backwards compatibility self.owner_id = None self.owner_alias = None self.is_public = False self.architecture = None self.platform = None self.type = None self.kernel_id = None self.ramdisk_id = None self.name = None self.description = None self.product_codes = ProductCodes() self.billing_products = BillingProducts() self.block_device_mapping = None self.root_device_type = None self.root_device_name = None self.virtualization_type = None self.hypervisor = None self.instance_lifecycle = None self.sriov_net_support = None def __repr__(self): return 'Image:%s' % self.id def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): retval = super(Image, self).startElement(name, attrs, connection) if retval is not None: return retval if name == 'blockDeviceMapping': self.block_device_mapping = BlockDeviceMapping() return self.block_device_mapping elif name == 'productCodes': return self.product_codes elif name == 'billingProducts': return self.billing_products else: return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'imageId': self.id = value elif name == 'imageLocation': self.location = value elif name == 'imageState': self.state = value elif name == 'imageOwnerId': self.ownerId = value # for backwards compatibility self.owner_id = value elif name == 'isPublic': if value == 'false': self.is_public = False elif value == 'true': self.is_public = True else: raise Exception( 'Unexpected value of isPublic %s for image %s' % ( value, self.id ) ) elif name == 'architecture': self.architecture = value elif name == 'imageType': self.type = value elif name == 'kernelId': self.kernel_id = value elif name == 'ramdiskId': self.ramdisk_id = value elif name == 'imageOwnerAlias': self.owner_alias = value elif name == 'platform': self.platform = value elif name == 'name': self.name = value elif name == 'description': self.description = value elif name == 'rootDeviceType': self.root_device_type = value elif name == 'rootDeviceName': self.root_device_name = value elif name == 'virtualizationType': self.virtualization_type = value elif name == 'hypervisor': self.hypervisor = value elif name == 'instanceLifecycle': self.instance_lifecycle = value elif name == 'sriovNetSupport': self.sriov_net_support = value else: setattr(self, name, value) def _update(self, updated): self.__dict__.update(updated.__dict__) def update(self, validate=False, dry_run=False): """ Update the image's state information by making a call to fetch the current image attributes from the service. :type validate: bool :param validate: By default, if EC2 returns no data about the image the update method returns quietly. If the validate param is True, however, it will raise a ValueError exception if no data is returned from EC2. """ rs = self.connection.get_all_images([self.id], dry_run=dry_run) if len(rs) > 0: img = rs[0] if img.id == self.id: self._update(img) elif validate: raise ValueError('%s is not a valid Image ID' % self.id) return self.state def run(self, min_count=1, max_count=1, key_name=None, security_groups=None, user_data=None, addressing_type=None, instance_type='m1.small', placement=None, kernel_id=None, ramdisk_id=None, monitoring_enabled=False, subnet_id=None, block_device_map=None, disable_api_termination=False, instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior=None, private_ip_address=None, placement_group=None, security_group_ids=None, additional_info=None, instance_profile_name=None, instance_profile_arn=None, tenancy=None, dry_run=False): """ Runs this instance. :type min_count: int :param min_count: The minimum number of instances to start :type max_count: int :param max_count: The maximum number of instances to start :type key_name: string :param key_name: The name of the key pair with which to launch instances. :type security_groups: list of strings :param security_groups: The names of the security groups with which to associate instances. :type user_data: string :param user_data: The Base64-encoded MIME user data to be made available to the instance(s) in this reservation. :type instance_type: string :param instance_type: The type of instance to run: * t1.micro * m1.small * m1.medium * m1.large * m1.xlarge * m3.medium * m3.large * m3.xlarge * m3.2xlarge * c1.medium * c1.xlarge * m2.xlarge * m2.2xlarge * m2.4xlarge * cr1.8xlarge * hi1.4xlarge * hs1.8xlarge * cc1.4xlarge * cg1.4xlarge * cc2.8xlarge * g2.2xlarge * c3.large * c3.xlarge * c3.2xlarge * c3.4xlarge * c3.8xlarge * i2.xlarge * i2.2xlarge * i2.4xlarge * i2.8xlarge * t2.micro * t2.small * t2.medium :type placement: string :param placement: The Availability Zone to launch the instance into. :type kernel_id: string :param kernel_id: The ID of the kernel with which to launch the instances. :type ramdisk_id: string :param ramdisk_id: The ID of the RAM disk with which to launch the instances. :type monitoring_enabled: bool :param monitoring_enabled: Enable CloudWatch monitoring on the instance. :type subnet_id: string :param subnet_id: The subnet ID within which to launch the instances for VPC. :type private_ip_address: string :param private_ip_address: If you're using VPC, you can optionally use this parameter to assign the instance a specific available IP address from the subnet (e.g., :type block_device_map: :class:`boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping.BlockDeviceMapping` :param block_device_map: A BlockDeviceMapping data structure describing the EBS volumes associated with the Image. :type disable_api_termination: bool :param disable_api_termination: If True, the instances will be locked and will not be able to be terminated via the API. :type instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior: string :param instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior: Specifies whether the instance stops or terminates on instance-initiated shutdown. Valid values are: * stop * terminate :type placement_group: string :param placement_group: If specified, this is the name of the placement group in which the instance(s) will be launched. :type additional_info: string :param additional_info: Specifies additional information to make available to the instance(s). :type security_group_ids: list of strings :param security_group_ids: The ID of the VPC security groups with which to associate instances. :type instance_profile_name: string :param instance_profile_name: The name of the IAM Instance Profile (IIP) to associate with the instances. :type instance_profile_arn: string :param instance_profile_arn: The Amazon resource name (ARN) of the IAM Instance Profile (IIP) to associate with the instances. :type tenancy: string :param tenancy: The tenancy of the instance you want to launch. An instance with a tenancy of 'dedicated' runs on single-tenant hardware and can only be launched into a VPC. Valid values are:"default" or "dedicated". NOTE: To use dedicated tenancy you MUST specify a VPC subnet-ID as well. :rtype: Reservation :return: The :class:`boto.ec2.instance.Reservation` associated with the request for machines """ return self.connection.run_instances(self.id, min_count, max_count, key_name, security_groups, user_data, addressing_type, instance_type, placement, kernel_id, ramdisk_id, monitoring_enabled, subnet_id, block_device_map, disable_api_termination, instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior, private_ip_address, placement_group, security_group_ids=security_group_ids, additional_info=additional_info, instance_profile_name=instance_profile_name, instance_profile_arn=instance_profile_arn, tenancy=tenancy, dry_run=dry_run) def deregister(self, delete_snapshot=False, dry_run=False): return self.connection.deregister_image( self.id, delete_snapshot, dry_run=dry_run ) def get_launch_permissions(self, dry_run=False): img_attrs = self.connection.get_image_attribute( self.id, 'launchPermission', dry_run=dry_run ) return img_attrs.attrs def set_launch_permissions(self, user_ids=None, group_names=None, dry_run=False): return self.connection.modify_image_attribute(self.id, 'launchPermission', 'add', user_ids, group_names, dry_run=dry_run) def remove_launch_permissions(self, user_ids=None, group_names=None, dry_run=False): return self.connection.modify_image_attribute(self.id, 'launchPermission', 'remove', user_ids, group_names, dry_run=dry_run) def reset_launch_attributes(self, dry_run=False): return self.connection.reset_image_attribute( self.id, 'launchPermission', dry_run=dry_run ) def get_kernel(self, dry_run=False): img_attrs = self.connection.get_image_attribute( self.id, 'kernel', dry_run=dry_run ) return img_attrs.kernel def get_ramdisk(self, dry_run=False): img_attrs = self.connection.get_image_attribute( self.id, 'ramdisk', dry_run=dry_run ) return img_attrs.ramdisk class ImageAttribute(object): def __init__(self, parent=None): self.name = None self.kernel = None self.ramdisk = None self.attrs = {} def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): if name == 'blockDeviceMapping': self.attrs['block_device_mapping'] = BlockDeviceMapping() return self.attrs['block_device_mapping'] else: return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'launchPermission': self.name = 'launch_permission' elif name == 'group': if 'groups' in self.attrs: self.attrs['groups'].append(value) else: self.attrs['groups'] = [value] elif name == 'userId': if 'user_ids' in self.attrs: self.attrs['user_ids'].append(value) else: self.attrs['user_ids'] = [value] elif name == 'productCode': if 'product_codes' in self.attrs: self.attrs['product_codes'].append(value) else: self.attrs['product_codes'] = [value] elif name == 'imageId': self.image_id = value elif name == 'kernel': self.kernel = value elif name == 'ramdisk': self.ramdisk = value else: setattr(self, name, value) class CopyImage(object): def __init__(self, parent=None): self._parent = parent self.image_id = None def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): pass def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'imageId': self.image_id = value