This tutorial focuses on the boto interface to AWS’ DynamoDB v2. This tutorial assumes that you have boto already downloaded and installed.
This tutorial covers the SECOND major release of DynamoDB (including local secondary index support). The documentation for the original version of DynamoDB (& boto’s support for it) is at DynamoDB v1.
The v2 DynamoDB API has both a high-level & low-level component. The low-level API (contained primarily within boto.dynamodb2.layer1) provides an interface that rough matches exactly what is provided by the API. It supports all options available to the service.
The high-level API attempts to make interacting with the service more natural from Python. It supports most of the featureset.
Most of the interaction centers around a single object, the Table. Tables act as a way to effectively namespace your records. If you’re familiar with database tables from an RDBMS, tables will feel somewhat familiar.
To create a new table, you need to call Table.create & specify (at a minimum) both the table’s name as well as the key schema for the table.
Since both the key schema and local secondary indexes can not be modified after the table is created, you’ll need to plan ahead of time how you think the table will be used. Both the keys & indexes are also used for querying, so you’ll want to represent the data you’ll need when querying there as well.
For the schema, you can either have a single HashKey or a combined HashKey+RangeKey. The HashKey by itself should be thought of as a unique identifier (for instance, like a username or UUID). It is typically looked up as an exact value. A HashKey+RangeKey combination is slightly different, in that the HashKey acts like a namespace/prefix & the RangeKey acts as a value that can be referred to by a sorted range of values.
For the local secondary indexes, you can choose from an AllIndex, a KeysOnlyIndex or a IncludeIndex field. Each builds an index of values that can be queried on. The AllIndex duplicates all values onto the index (to prevent additional reads to fetch the data). The KeysOnlyIndex duplicates only the keys from the schema onto the index. The IncludeIndex lets you specify a list of fieldnames to duplicate over.
Simple example:
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.fields import HashKey
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.table import Table
# Uses your ``aws_access_key_id`` & ``aws_secret_access_key`` from either a
# config file or environment variable & the default region.
>>> users = Table.create('users', schema=[
... HashKey('username'),
... ])
A full example:
>>> import boto.dynamodb2
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.fields import HashKey, RangeKey, KeysOnlyIndex, AllIndex
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.table import Table
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.types import NUMBER
>>> users = Table.create('users', schema=[
... HashKey('account_type', data_type=NUMBER),
... RangeKey('last_name'),
... ], throughput={
... 'read': 5,
... 'write': 15,
... }, indexes=[
... AllIndex('EverythingIndex', parts=[
... HashKey('account_type', data_type=NUMBER),
... ])
... ],
... # If you need to specify custom parameters like keys or region info...
... connection= boto.dynamodb2.connect_to_region('us-east-1'))
Once a table has been created, using it is relatively simple. You can either specify just the table_name (allowing the object to lazily do an additional call to get details about itself if needed) or provide the schema/indexes again (same as what was used with Table.create) to avoid extra overhead.
Lazy example:
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.table import Table
>>> users = Table('users')
Efficient example:
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.fields import HashKey, RangeKey, AllIndex
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.table import Table
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.types import NUMBER
>>> users = Table('users', schema=[
... HashKey('account_type', data_type=NUMBER),
... RangeKey('last_name'),
... ], indexes=[
... AllIndex('EverythingIndex', parts=[
... HashKey('account_type', data_type=NUMBER),
... ])
... ])
Once you have a Table instance, you can add new items to the table. There are two ways to do this.
The first is to use the Table.put_item method. Simply hand it a dictionary of data & it will create the item on the server side. This dictionary should be relatively flat (as you can nest in other dictionaries) & must contain the keys used in the schema.
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.table import Table
>>> users = Table('users')
# Create the new user.
>>> users.put_item(data={
... 'username': 'johndoe',
... 'first_name': 'John',
... 'last_name': 'Doe',
... })
The alternative is to manually construct an Item instance & tell it to save itself. This is useful if the object will be around for awhile & you don’t want to re-fetch it.
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.items import Item
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.table import Table
>>> users = Table('users')
# WARNING - This doens't save it yet!
>>> johndoe = Item(users, data={
... 'username': 'johndoe',
... 'first_name': 'John',
... 'last_name': 'Doe',
... })
# The data now gets persisted to the server.
With data now in DynamoDB, if you know the key of the item, you can fetch it back out. Specify the key value(s) as kwargs to Table.get_item.
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.table import Table
>>> users = Table('users')
>>> johndoe = users.get_item(username='johndoe')
Once you have an Item instance, it presents a dictionary-like interface to the data.:
>>> johndoe = users.get_item(username='johndoe')
# Read a field out.
>>> johndoe['first_name']
# Change a field (DOESN'T SAVE YET!).
>>> johndoe['first_name'] = 'Johann'
# Delete data from it (DOESN'T SAVE YET!).
>>> del johndoe['last_name']
Just creating new items or changing only the in-memory version of the Item isn’t particularly effective. To persist the changes to DynamoDB, you have three choices.
The first is sending all the data with the expectation nothing has changed since you read the data. DynamoDB will verify the data is in the original state and, if so, will send all of the item’s data. If that expectation fails, the call will fail:
>>> johndoe = users.get_item(username='johndoe')
>>> johndoe['first_name'] = 'Johann'
>>> johndoe['whatever'] = "man, that's just like your opinion"
>>> del johndoe['last_name']
# Affects all fields, even the ones not changed locally.
The second is a full overwrite. If you can be confident your version of the data is the most correct, you can force an overwrite of the data.:
>>> johndoe = users.get_item(username='johndoe')
>>> johndoe['first_name'] = 'Johann'
>>> johndoe['whatever'] = "man, that's just like your opinion"
>>> del johndoe['last_name']
# Specify ``overwrite=True`` to fully replace the data.
The last is a partial update. If you’ve only modified certain fields, you can send a partial update that only writes those fields, allowing other (potentially changed) fields to go untouched.:
>>> johndoe = users.get_item(username='johndoe')
>>> johndoe['first_name'] = 'Johann'
>>> johndoe['whatever'] = "man, that's just like your opinion"
>>> del johndoe['last_name']
# Partial update, only sending/affecting the
# ``first_name/whatever/last_name`` fields.
>>> johndoe.partial_save()
You can also delete items from the table. You have two choices, depending on what data you have present.
If you already have an Item instance, the easiest approach is just to call Item.delete.:
>>> johndoe.delete()
If you don’t have an Item instance & you don’t want to incur the Table.get_item call to get it, you can call Table.delete_item method.:
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.table import Table
>>> users = Table('users')
>>> users.delete_item(username='johndoe')
If you’re loading a lot of data at a time, making use of batch writing can both speed up the process & reduce the number of write requests made to the service.
Batch writing involves wrapping the calls you want batched in a context manager. The context manager imitates the Table.put_item & Table.delete_item APIs. Getting & using the context manager looks like:
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.table import Table
>>> users = Table('users')
>>> with users.batch_write() as batch:
... batch.put_item(data={
... 'username': 'anotherdoe',
... 'first_name': 'Another',
... 'last_name': 'Doe',
... 'date_joined': int(time.time()),
... })
... batch.put_item(data={
... 'username': 'alice',
... 'first_name': 'Alice',
... 'date_joined': int(time.time()),
... })
... batch.delete_item(username=jane')
However, there are some limitations on what you can do within the context manager.
Additionally, the context manager can only batch 25 items at a time for a request (this is a DynamoDB limitation). It is handled for you so you can keep writing additional items, but you should be aware that 100 put_item calls is 4 batch requests, not 1.
The Table object has both a query & a query_2 method. If you are writing new code, DO NOT use Table.query. It presents results in an incorrect order than expected & is strictly present for backward-compatibility.
Manually fetching out each item by itself isn’t tenable for large datasets. To cope with fetching many records, you can either perform a standard query, query via a local secondary index or scan the entire table.
A standard query typically gets run against a hash+range key combination. Filter parameters are passed as kwargs & use a __ to separate the fieldname from the operator being used to filter the value.
In terms of querying, our original schema is less than optimal. For the following examples, we’ll be using the following table setup:
>>> users = Table.create('users', schema=[
... HashKey('account_type'),
... RangeKey('last_name'),
... ], indexes=[
... AllIndex('DateJoinedIndex', parts=[
... HashKey('account_type'),
... RangeKey('date_joined', data_type=NUMBER),
... ]),
... ])
When executing the query, you get an iterable back that contains your results. These results may be spread over multiple requests as DynamoDB paginates them. This is done transparently, but you should be aware it may take more than one request.
To run a query for last names starting with the letter “D”:
>>> names_with_d = users.query_2(
... account_type__eq='standard_user',
... last_name__beginswith='D'
... )
>>> for user in names_with_d:
... print user['first_name']
You can also reverse results (reverse=True) as well as limiting them (limit=2):
>>> rev_with_d = users.query_2(
... account_type__eq='standard_user',
... last_name__beginswith='D',
... reverse=True,
... limit=2
... )
>>> for user in rev_with_d:
... print user['first_name']
You can also run queries against the local secondary indexes. Simply provide the index name (index='FirstNameIndex') & filter parameters against its fields:
# Users within the last hour.
>>> recent = users.query_2(
... account_type__eq='standard_user',
... date_joined__gte=time.time() - (60 * 60),
... index='DateJoinedIndex'
... )
>>> for user in recent:
... print user['first_name']
By default, DynamoDB can return a large amount of data per-request (up to 1Mb of data). To prevent these requests from drowning other smaller gets, you can specify a smaller page size via the max_page_size argument to Table.query_2 & Table.scan. Doing so looks like:
# Small pages yield faster responses & less potential of drowning other
# requests.
>>> all_users = users.query_2(
... account_type__eq='standard_user',
... date_joined__gte=0,
... max_page_size=10
... )
# Usage is the same, but now many smaller requests are done.
>>> for user in recent:
... print user['first_name']
Finally, if you need to query on data that’s not in either a key or in an index, you can run a Table.scan across the whole table, which accepts a similar but expanded set of filters. If you’re familiar with the Map/Reduce concept, this is akin to what DynamoDB does.
Scans are consistent & run over the entire table, so relatively speaking, they’re more expensive than plain queries or queries against an LSI.
An example scan of all records in the table looks like:
>>> all_users = users.scan()
Filtering a scan looks like:
>>> owners_with_emails = users.scan(
... is_owner__eq=1,
... email__null=False,
... )
>>> for user in recent:
... print user['first_name']
Both Table.query_2 & Table.scan return an object called ResultSet. It’s a lazily-evaluated object that uses the Iterator protocol. It delays your queries until you request the next item in the result set.
Typical use is simply a standard for to iterate over the results:
>>> result_set = users.scan()
>>> for user in result_set:
... print user['first_name']
However, this throws away results as it fetches more data. As a result, you can’t index it like a list.
>>> len(result_set)
Because it does this, if you need to loop over your results more than once (or do things like negative indexing, length checks, etc.), you should wrap it in a call to list(). Ex.:
>>> result_set = users.scan()
>>> all_users = list(result_set)
# Slice it for every other user.
>>> for user in all_users[::2]:
... print user['first_name']
Wrapping calls like the above in list(...) WILL cause it to evaluate the ENTIRE potentially large data set.
Appropriate use of the limit=... kwarg to Table.query_2 & Table.scan calls are VERY important should you chose to do this.
Alternatively, you can build your own list, using for on the ResultSet to lazily build the list (& potentially stop early).
DynamoDB also includes a feature called “Parallel Scan”, which allows you to make use of extra read capacity to divide up your result set & scan an entire table faster.
This does require extra code on the user’s part & you should ensure that you need the speed boost, have enough data to justify it and have the extra capacity to read it without impacting other queries/scans.
To run it, you should pick the total_segments to use, which is an integer representing the number of temporary partitions you’d divide your table into. You then need to spin up a thread/process for each one, giving each thread/process a segment, which is a zero-based integer of the segment you’d like to scan.
An example of using parallel scan to send out email to all users might look something like:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import threading
import boto.dynamodb2
from boto.dynamodb2.table import Table
def send_email(email):
# Using Amazon's Simple Email Service, send an email to a given
# email address. You must already have an email you've verified with
# AWS before this will work.
conn =
"[OurSite] New feature alert!",
"We've got some exciting news! We added a new feature to...",
def process_segment(segment=0, total_segments=10):
# This method/function is executed in each thread, each getting its
# own segment to process through.
conn = boto.dynamodb2.connect_to_region(
table = Table('users', connection=conn)
# We pass in the segment & total_segments to scan here.
for user in table.scan(segment=segment, total_segments=total_segments):
def send_all_emails():
pool = []
# We're choosing to divide the table in 3, then...
pool_size = 3
# ...spinning up a thread for each segment.
for i in range(pool_size):
worker = threading.Thread(
'segment': i,
'total_segments': pool_size,
# We start them to let them start scanning & consuming their
# assigned segment.
# Finally, we wait for each to finish.
for thread in pool:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Similar to batch writing, batch reading can also help reduce the number of API requests necessary to access a large number of items. The Table.batch_get method takes a list (or any sliceable collection) of keys & fetches all of them, presented as an iterator interface.
This is done lazily, so if you never iterate over the results, no requests are executed. Additionally, if you only iterate over part of the set, the minumum number of calls are made to fetch those results (typically max 100 per response).
>>> from boto.dynamodb2.table import Table
>>> users = Table('users')
# No request yet.
>>> many_users = users.batch_get(keys=[
{'username': 'alice'},
{'username': 'bob'},
{'username': 'fred'},
{'username': 'jane'},
{'username': 'johndoe'},
# Now the request is performed, requesting all five in one request.
>>> for user in many_users:
... print user['first_name']
Deleting a table is a simple exercise. When you no longer need a table, simply run:
>>> users.delete()
Amazon DynamoDB Local is a utility which can be used to mock DynamoDB during development. Connecting to a running DynamoDB Local server is easy:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from boto.dynamodb2.layer1 import DynamoDBConnection
# Connect to DynamoDB Local
conn = DynamoDBConnection(
# List all local tables
tables = conn.list_tables()