Boto ships with a number of command line utilities, which are installed
when the package is installed. This guide outlines which ones are available
& what they do.
The included utilities available are:
- asadmin
- Works with Autoscaling
- bundle_image
- Creates a bundled AMI in S3 based on a EC2 instance
- cfadmin
- Works with CloudFront & invalidations
- cq
- Works with SQS queues
- cwutil
- Works with CloudWatch
Handle dumping/loading data from DynamoDB tables
- elbadmin
- Manages Elastic Load Balancer instances
- fetch_file
- Downloads an S3 key to disk
- glacier
- Lists vaults, jobs & uploads files to Glacier
- instance_events
- Lists all events for EC2 reservations
- kill_instance
- Kills a list of EC2 instances
- launch_instance
- Launches an EC2 instance
- list_instances
- Lists all of your EC2 instances
- lss3
- Lists what keys you have within a bucket in S3
- mturk
- Provides a number of facilities for interacting with Mechanical Turk
- pyami_sendmail
- Sends an email from the Pyami instance
- route53
- Interacts with the Route53 service
- s3put
- Uploads a directory or a specific file(s) to S3
- sdbadmin
- Allows for working with SimpleDB domains
- taskadmin
- A tool for working with the tasks in SimpleDB