'ResB )0LogMessages101151525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687Failed to run a scan.Failed to a open file.Input parameter is NULL.Operation not specified.Operation not supported.Failed to open output file.Unable to create a directory.Failed to launch the scanner.Malware tool is not supported.Malware tool is not specified.Missing parameter, share type.Failed to open the result file.All mount drives are exhausted.Failed to mount the backup image.Current platform is not supported.Missing parameter, SMB domain name.Failed to unmount the backup image.Failed to connect to the scan host.Failed to generate the result file.Bit defender database update failed.Current share type is not supported.Failed to get Malware tool Signature.Failed to determine the scan host OS.Failed to get the scan host credentials.*Could not fetch the NetBackup Server name.*Unable to create directory for a log file.+Failed to perform cleanup on the scan host.+Timeout has occurred while performing scan.+Unable to create directory for result file.-Unable to create mount destination directory..Missing parameters, SMB username and password..Failed to perform validation for malware scan.2Missing environment variable BIT_SCAN_ENGINE_PATH.3Failed to perform malware scan of the backup image.4Failed to update the NetBackup Malware Scanner tool.4Missing parameters, mount source path or share type.5Missing environment variable NB_MALWARE_SCANNER_PATH.5Missing parameters, result file or malware tool name.6Failed to get response from NetBackup malware utility.9Missing parameters, output file path and error file path.9Please implement the scan operation for the malware tool.:Failed to copy NetBackup malware utility to the scan host.;Please implement the update operation for the malware tool.@Missing parameters, worklist id or OS platform or log file path.@Please configure environment variable SCAN_SCRIPT_PATH properly.BPlease implement the get_signature operation for the malware tool.TEither the windows defender is not installed or the environment variable is not set.ZEither Symantec protection engine is not installed or the environment variable is not set.0,/258;>ADGJMPSVY\_behknqtwz}@Z.Gnh`y.|p.NCaE^&٪ PT