'ResB  LogMessages3456789101112A SQL error occured.DB2 is not installed.The URI specified is invalid.A username and password is required.0There was an error initializing the db2 library.0Unable to connect to {0}. Error Code = {1} : {2}8A SQL error occured. SQLSTATE = {0}, SQLCODE = {1} : {2}QUnable to connect to {0}. SQL1032N: No start database manager command was issued.hUnable to connect to {0}. SQL1031N: The database directory cannot be found on the indicated file system.{Unable to connect to {0}. SQL1116N: A connection to or activation of the database cannot be made because of BACKUP PENDING.܁Unable to connect to {0}. SQL1117N: A connection to or activation of the database cannot be made because of ROLL-FORWARD PENDING.܊Unable to connect to {0}. SQL1119N: A connection to or activation of the database cannot be made because a previous restore is incomplete. >:=@A,.02468oJ,` G PV